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Ich hatte bisher noch keine Erfahrung mit Nackheit und dem fotografieren meines Korpers. Ich wurde dazu erzogen, nicht zu viel Haut zu zeigen und nicht zu viele Reize zu zeigen. Das wollte ich andern. Wir Frauen konnen anziehen was auch immer wir wollen und niemand hat das Recht daruber zu urteilen. Auch unsere Meinung uber die Vergewaltigungskultur muss grundlegend verandert werden. I had no experience with nudity so far, especially not with taking pictures of my own body. I was raised to cover my body and not too show to much skin. I decided to participate in this project to change the way of thinking. Because a woman can wear whatever she wants to wear, without being judged. It is her body and her decision. Especially the view on the raping culture needs to be changed.

Media index

Beck_T 'sightseeing'
28 Jan 17
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ZIP - 55 images
birthplace: Munich
occupation: Jura Student*in / law student
age: 22
height: 174cm
relationship status: Single after 6 years! Yay :)
starsign: Wasserfrau / Aquarius
biggest passion in my life: Jura / Law
I like to listen to: Musik zu welcher ich tanzen kann, ich liebe es! / Music to which I can dance, I love dancing!
I like to watch: Filme von den Filmfestspielen aus aller Welt / Films from the film festivals all over the world!
I like to smell: Frische Luft in den Berg / Fresh air in the mountains
I like to taste: Alles was ich noch nie probiert habe / Everything I've never tried before
I like to feel: Flauschige Hunde / Fluffy dogs
favourite part of my body: Mein Busen / My boobs
favourite part of someone else's body: Bauchnabel / Belly
Why i shot myself: Um sich selbst lieben zu lernen / To learn to love myself
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Politicians
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Alle! Weil wir alle wunderschon sind! / Because we're all beautiful!
my website/fav website: Youtube - I love music and dancing
Most outrageous thing I have done: Mein Ziel auf meiner Bucketlist ist es, Personen aus 100 verschiedenen Landern zu kussen / My bucket list goal is to kiss people from 100 different countries
Bands I like: Glasperlenspiel, Cro, Silbermond
Books I like: Divergent, The Fault in our Stars, 1984, the Australian law dictionary
Films I like: Danish Girl, Divergent, But I'm a Cheerleader, The 100

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Beck_T is Agony contributor A3909