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Being naked hasn't been something I have always felt comfortable with, especially in front of people. I always felt a bit awkward in my body since I was always much taller than most. These feelings have changed a lot in the past few years and I have learned to love the skin I'm in. Being confident while being naked is one of the most freeing feelings a person can have because there is nothing for you to hide behind. All of the imperfections I see in myself when I take pictures is actually what makes me feel the most sexy. My body is a collection of my life, the good, the bad, all the love, everything. I wanted to be a part of this because I love the idea of women taking the way they are perceived into their own hands and seeing the beauty in so much diversity.

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Josey 'streaming_now'
11 Aug 16
ZIP - 45 images
birthplace: Hollywood
occupation: Traveller/Blogger
age: 27
height: 187cm
relationship status: Single
starsign: Cancer
biggest passion in my life: Traveling, new experiences, getting out of my comfort zone and sharing it all with the world
I like to listen to: The band 'The Strokes' on repeat
I like to watch: Live music in a small, dark, intimate, hole in the wall kinda place
I like to smell: The smell of sunscreen on a hot summer day
I like to taste: My vanilla flavored lip gloss
I like to feel: Cold aloe on my freshly tanned skin from a day spent in the sun
favourite part of my body: My legs because they are so long and my butt because people like to comment on how big it is and I think it's funny
favourite part of someone else's body: Women's breasts, I always have boob envy
Why i shot myself: I've always wanted to be involved in something like this but never had the opportunity, until now!
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Donald Trump
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My friend who I am traveling with who was going to shoot herself but changed her mind
my website/fav website: Stumble Upon, you never know where you will end up
Most outrageous thing I have done: Besides taking naked pictures of myself for the internet I would have to say moving to the other side of the world
Bands I like: The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Amy Winehouse, Brand New, I could go on a long time with this question
Books I like: Anything Supernatural; Vampires, Werewolves, Magic, Forbidden love between a human and a creature of the night
Films I like: Harry Potter (all of them), The Fifth Element, Queen of the Damned, Pulp Fiction, Also anything funny