Media index
birthplace: Proserpine occupation: Receptionist age: 20 height: 159cm relationship status: Single starsign: Aquarian/Pisces Cusp biggest passion in my life: Exploring and dismantling the social and psychological constructs of humans I like to listen to: The sweet sound of infectious laughter, especially when it's in response to me I like to watch: Visualisations and hallucinations I like to smell: Freshly brewed coffee and hemp infused things I like to taste: Cigarette smoke, red wine and macadamia nuts I like to feel: The morning sun and the texture of body hair favourite part of my body: I appreciate my body in It's entirety favourite part of someone else's body: Muscular backs and butts Why i shot myself: To feel the natural high of naked liberation who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Kim Kardashian who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Joe Witsey my website/fav website: Google earth Most outrageous thing I have done: My list of outrageous activities outdoes itself daily Books I like: The New Crystal Bible, Winnie the Pooh, Dream Dictionaries, Dismantled Films I like: I don't have the attention span to watch an entire film |