Media index
birthplace: Milan occupation: Waitress age: 19 height: 162cm relationship status: Single starsign: Leo biggest passion in my life: TECHNO I like to listen to: Techno while i'm cooking/Techno mentre sto cucinando I like to watch: Animal documentary/Documentario animal I like to smell: Fresh bread, just baked/Pane fresco, appena sfornato I like to taste: The salt on my skin after swimming in the ocean/Il sale sulla mia pelle dopo il bagno in mare I like to feel: The warm hit of the sun at 6pm/La calda colpo del sole a 06:00 favourite part of my body: Lips/Labbra favourite part of someone else's body: Eyes/Occhi Why i shot myself: Because I thought it would be a great new experience/Perché ho pensato che sarebbe stata una grande esperienza nuova who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My dad/Mio padre who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My boyfriend/Il mio fidanzato my website/fav website: Soundcloud Most outrageous thing I have done: Stealing money from my mom/Rubare soldi da mia mamma Bands I like: Arctic Monkeys Books I like: The Kite Runner Films I like: Django Unchained |