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I'm only just beginning to appreciate my body and how it has changed. Growing up i got to try anything i wanted, freedom to choose who i am. My small waist and strong thighs are now some of my favorite parts of myself because they make me, me. Ishotmyself allowed me to comfortably and confidently explore my body the way i like.

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Ash_Taruka 'handful'
27 Oct 15
ZIP - 65 images
birthplace: Australia
currently living in: Melbourne
occupation: Student
age: 18
height: 170cm
relationship status: Single
starsign: Taurus
biggest passion in my life: Music, it's universal
I like to listen to: Rain on the roof while i'm lying in bed
I like to watch: Space and Orangutan documentaries
I like to smell: Jonquils, my favorite flowers
I like to taste: Cold grapes on hot days
I like to feel: Warmth and goosebumps
favourite part of my body: I think my sexiest feature is my mouth but i love my strong thighs that make me unique
favourite part of someone else's body: Forearms
Why i shot myself: It was an exciting opportunity to see my body in a different way
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Tony Abbott
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Rhonda Rhousey
my website/fav website: Reddit, essentially just to look at cats
Most outrageous thing I have done: Bull herding in Chile
Bands I like: Alabama Shakes, Chance The Rapper, Tyler The Creator
Books I like: Jane Eyre, Of Mice And Men
Films I like: Leon The Enforcer, Devil Wears Prada

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Ash_Taruka is Agony contributor A3529