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Growing up in the Bible Belt of the U.S, I was always taught to hide my body and suppress the sexuality that felt like it was bursting out of me. Despite my religious upbringing, I discovered very early on my keen interest in sex and nudity, and was always fascinated by and in awe of the human body. I remember at 12 years old my friends joking about me growing up to live in a nudist colony one day. Well, they were almost right. After finally leaving the closed-minded culture of my home and moving to Paris, France, I am experiencing an entirely new culture and learning to accept not only my own body and sexuality, but the concept in general of sex and its place in our society. I have come to fully embrace sex and nudity as a beautiful and natural part of humanity, and now my dream is to bring others out of that darkness of shame and into the freedom of natural self expression. Leading, of course, by example and putting myself out here on this platform.

Media index

Jada 'la_Bordelaise'
14 Oct 15
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Jada 'la_vie_reelle'
28 Jun 20
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ZIP - 51 images
Jada 'joie_de_virve'
12 Jan 25
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ZIP - 52 images
birthplace: USA
currently living in: France
age: 24
height: 5'2" (160 cm)
relationship status: In a somewhat open relationship
starsign: Pisces
biggest passion in my life: Traveling and spiritual awakening, although sex education is a passion I would like to realize soon
I like to listen to: Psytrance and Disney songs, wind chimes, the bells on my anklets when I dance, thunderstorms
I like to watch: Musicals, dancing, the rain, random people on the subway that I inevitably fall in love with
I like to smell: Burning sandalwood incense, bath bombs from Lush, honeysuckle
I like to taste: Cupcakes, chai tea, sushi, honey, salt and vinegar chips
I like to feel: That feeling when it's like time stops and nothing exists outside of the bubble
favourite part of my body: Probably my butt
favourite part of someone else's body: I'm definitely a boobs girl, but since not everyone has boobs, I would have to say hipbones
Why i shot myself: I love myself and I love being naked, I want to show that.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My 6th grade math teacher
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: One of my best friends who I had a threesome with one time but unfortunately have never seen naked since
my website/fav website: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/letsgojada
Most outrageous thing I have done: Moving to France without a job or apartment
Bands I like: Infected Mushroom, Crazy Astronaut, Younger Brother, God is an Astronaut, Bonobo, Ratatat, Nibana, Anticeptik, XXYYXX, Daft Punk, Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, Anberlin
Books I like: Hyperion series by Dan Simmons, Aurian by Maggie Furey, The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson, A Certain Slant of Light by by Laura Whitcomb, Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
Films I like: Rent, My Neighbor Totoro, Mr. Nobody, Across the Universe, The Sound of Music, almost anything Disney

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Jada is Agony contributor A3861