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Etudiante, fan de culture pop / geek, de séries TV, d'Harry Potter. Feministe et queer : tout voir, tout tenter, tout tester, tout essayer : le monde est un champ des possible ! Je ne me suis jamais considerée comme une artiste, ou alors une très mauvaise artiste : je fais, je tatônne, j'hésite, j'expérimente. Mon corps est un champ d'expérimentation personnelle là dedans : sans honte, ni fierté propre, il est là, existant et imparfait, petite pierre simple à une idée de montrer autre chose, différement, sans pudeur, beau dans sa fragilité et sa vulnérabilité. Student, a fan of pop / geek culture, TV series, Harry Potter. Feminist and queer: see everything, try everything, test everything, try everything: the world is a field of possible! I never considered myself as an artist, or then a very bad artist: I do, I fumbled, I hesitate, I experience. My body is a personal experimentation field : without shame or pride, he is there, existing, imperfect, small single stone to an idea to show something else, differently, without shame, beautiful in its fragility and vulnerability .

Media index

birthplace: France.
age: 24.
height: 162.
relationship status: In an open relationship with TV series.
starsign: Balance.
biggest passion in my life: Did I say I really love TV show?
I like to listen to: my favorites bands (NIN, Depeche Mode) or Epic music.
I like to watch: tv shows all day and night.
I like to smell: hot bread.
I like to taste: new foods, new place, new tv show, new videos games.
I like to feel: serene, after my yoga session.
favourite part of my body: My butt, my eyes, my arms.
favourite part of someone else's body: His/her neck, chest, hips.
Why i shot myself: Because I can, Because I want, Because I do, Because I'm free.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Cis straight guys. Yep.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: People who wants?
my website/fav website: Tumblr, all day, all night.
Most outrageous thing I have done: Oh, it's private ;)
Bands I like: Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, Cocorosie.
Books I like: King Kong Theory, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones?
Films I like: Whatever Work, This Is England and yes, Harry Potter.