02:40 - DEC 29 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            


Isabelle, 24 ans. Originere de France. J'aime enormement l art, je realise des expositions. Je travaille dans la peinture et l art de la video. Je suis tres curieuse et m aventure toujours dans les recoins les plus petits pour esperer satisfere mes grands yeux. I am Isabelle, 24 years old, from France. I practice art and I like so much; videos and painting art. I like travelling, and have a look everywhere in hope to find the beautiful aspects of life. I was afraid to be naked for the project and finally it is easier than first thought. Nudity it can be sensual without all of the pornographic ideas.

Media index

birthplace: Lyon, France.
currently living in: France.
occupation: Artist.
age: 24.
height: 165cm.
weight: 50.
relationship status: Single.
starsign: Gemeaux / Gemini.
biggest passion in my life: Poesie et l art / art and poetry.
I like to listen to: Les grands classiaues des annees 50 et 60 / Classical music and songs from 50's and 60's.
I like to watch: Vieux films, video performance / old movies and performances video.
I like to smell: Fleurs, vieux livres, piments / flowers, old book, chillis.
I like to taste: Chocolats, nourriture africaine / chocolate, African food.
I like to feel: Heureuse, libre et en accord avec moi meme / happy and free, comfortable with myself.
favourite part of my body: Mes mains / hands.
favourite part of someone else's body: Le dos / the back.
Why i shot myself: Chouette experience et nouvelle, ainsi que me faire sentir confortable avec moi meme / nice and new experience, it left me feeling more comfortable with myself.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Ma mere / my mother.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: G Darmon.
Most outrageous thing I have done: Faire l amour dans un muse / make love in a museum.
Bands I like: The Cure, Nneka, Manu Chao.
Books I like: Jonh Fante, Bukowski.
Films I like: I'm Not There.
other random stuff: Ce fut une experience tres intime avec moi meme dans cette lumiere du jour. Cette partie de la journee ou les ames restent couvertes de vetements. It was a very intimate experience with me even in the daylight. This part of the day, the souls are covered with clothing.

this artist also contributed to beautiful agony
Isabelle_G is Agony contributor A3517