Media index
birthplace: Munich, Germany. occupation: Fashion design. age: 23. height: 181cms. weight: 60kgs. relationship status: In a relationship. starsign: Aquarius. biggest passion in my life: Art, fashion, music, poetry/kunst, mode, musik, poesie. I like to listen to: hard rock, progressive metal, stoner rock, blues, musik zum nachdenken und traeumen. I like to watch: concerts, art shows and funny dogs/konzerte, kunst shows und lustige hunde. I like to smell: roses, they remind me of my grandfather/rosen sie erinnern mich an meinen grossvater. I like to taste: salt, because what else do you need?/salz, weil was braucht man sonst? I like to feel: self confident, loud, interesting and smart/selbstbewusst, laut, interessant, schlau. favourite part of my body: My tummy/mein bauch. favourite part of someone else's body: Arms and shoulders/arme und schulter. Why i shot myself: I like my body/Mir gefaellt mein Koerper sehr gut. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My parents!/meine eltern! who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My friends who haven't already done it/meine freunde die es noch nicht gemacht haben. Most outrageous thing I have done: That's a secret/Das ist geheim. Bands I like: Earth, Frank Zappa, Animals As Leaders. Books I like: Siddartha, The Alchemist, Life of Pi, Das Wilde Leben. Films I like: Mr. Nobody, Das Wilde Leben. |