Media index
birthplace: Munich, Germany. age: 26. height: 179cms. weight: 75kgs. relationship status: Vogelfrei/Free as a bird. starsign: Scorpio. biggest passion in my life: Menschen, ihre psyche und alles was dazu gehoert/Humans, their mind and everything that comes with it. I like to listen to: Viel bouncy musik, Frauenstimmen in Liedern/heaps of bouncy music, female vocalists. I like to watch: im Wind kichernde Baeume und Farne/trees and fern giggling in the wind ;) I like to smell: Koerpergeruch, gebratene curry gewurze/smell of someone's body, fried curry spices. I like to taste: viele unterschiedliche Geschmaecker, besonders Geschmacksexplosionen/a big variety of flavours. I like to feel: Gras unter den Fuessen, flauschigen Stoff/grass under my feet, fluffy fabric. favourite part of my body: meine Schultern und Augen/My shoulders and eyes. favourite part of someone else's body: augen (besonders tiefe, faszinierende)/Eyes (especially deep fascinating ones). Why i shot myself: Um mir selbst naeher zu kommen/To get closer to myself. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: unechte, blonde klischee porno tussen/Plastic, blonde cliche porn chicks. who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: interessante, farbenfrohe, kreative Menschen/Interesting, colourful, creative people. my website/fav website: Most outrageous thing I have done: Leuten zwielichtige Urlaube am Telefon verkauft/Selling people dodgy holidays over the phone for work, no good karma for that ;) Bands I like: Kaeptn Peng, DJ Shadow, Aphrodite, Kultiration, Dendemann. Books I like: Eckard Tolle - Power of Now, Richard Schwartz - Der Kronrat, Kim Harrison - Rachel Morgan series. Films I like: Amelie - ein all time favourite, Pippi Langstrump f& Ronja Raeubertochter, die feministischen Heldinnen meiner Kindheit/Pippi Langstrumpf & Ronja Raeubertochter my feminist heroines. other random stuff: |