Media index
birthplace: Cairns occupation: Tattoo Artist age: 19 height: 160 cm weight: 65 kg relationship status: Single starsign: Aries biggest passion in my life: Playing drums in my band I like to listen to: Rain falling on a tin roof I like to watch: Lightning bolts in rain storms I like to smell: The sexual odour of a man I like to taste: A cold beer on a hot day I like to feel: Water from spa jets massaging my body favourite part of my body: Tounge favourite part of someone else's body: Guy's arms Why i shot myself: To fulfill a dream of posing nude who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Harold from Neighbours who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Sean-Williams Scott my website/fav website: Most outrageous thing I have done: Skydiving nude Bands I like: A Perfect Circle Books I like: 'IT', by Stephen King Films I like: Fight Club |