Media index
birthplace: Melbourne, Australia. currently living in: Melbourne, Australia. occupation: Natural therapist and mother. age: Almost 30! height: 158cms. weight: 70kgs. relationship status: Partnered with a beautiful man! starsign: Taurus, year of the Ox. Sure footed much!? biggest passion in my life: My business assisting others to find their own empowerment, MY MAN! My gorgeous children. I like to listen to: my children giggling, a sexy sax ballad. I like to watch: my man checking me out, people when they don't realise I'm watching. I like to smell: rich dinners cooking, the air during a storm, my fingers after touching myself, and coffee. I like to taste: fresh figs, myself on my man's lips, dark chocolate. I like to feel: the sun on my skin, orgasmic, all the cuddles, melty kisses, sensual massages. favourite part of my body: My lips, my curves, my bootylicious arse. favourite part of someone else's body: Everything I can kiss and grab, starting with the lips. Why i shot myself: I am proud of my body, the babes it has carried and birthed, the experiences it has carried me through, the ecstasy it assists me in feeling. I feel beautiful in my body and I wish to share that. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Gina Rinehart, need I say more? who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: All my friends! How empowering! my website/fav website: Most outrageous thing I have done: My most empowering (aka outrageous) thing was definitely giving birth at home! Also a course called Dancing Eros, an embodied erotic dancing course! Wow! Bands I like: Ella Fitzgerald, Neko Case, Flap! Books I like: The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, Keys to the Kingdom by Alison Armstrong, The Wild Rainbow by Sheree Stewart, Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Films I like: The Incredibles, Ponyo, Spirited Away. |