Media index
birthplace: Gent, Belgium. age: 23. height: 1m73. weight: 60kgs. relationship status: Single :) starsign: Ram. biggest passion in my life: Analoge fotografie/analogue photography. I like to listen to: duivengekir (doet me aan de zomer denken)/sound of pigeons (reminds me of summer). I like to watch: Girls, Mad Men, Games of Thrones, Gossip Girl :) I like to smell: regen op een heel warme dag/smell of rain after a hot day I like to taste: peanut butter and jelly. I like to feel: kattengespin/cats purring favourite part of my body: Tattoeages/My tattoos. favourite part of someone else's body: Rug en schouders/Back and shoulders. Why i shot myself: Bikiniweer maakte me minder onzeker over mijn lichaam :)/Bikini weather made me less self conscious about my body. who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: FKA Twigs. Most outrageous thing I have done: Mount Everest base camp. Bands I like: Arctic Monkeys, FKA Twigs, Jungle, Caribou, SBSTRKT. Books I like: Ondraaglijke lichtheid van het bestaan (Unbearable Lightness of Being), and The Mountains Echoed. Films I like: Boyhood, Smoke, Before Sunrise, Hide and Seek |