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birthplace: Melbourne, Australia. occupation: Communications. age: 26. height: 160cms. weight: 55kgs. starsign: Scorpio. biggest passion in my life: Exploration. My attention span is too short to stare at the same walls my whole life. I like to listen to: some kind of noise! I can't handle complete silence. I like to watch: city lights. There is something soothing about seeing the calm they bring. I like to smell: the bush after rain. I like to taste: peanut butter. There is always something that you will never stop loving even as your tastes change. I like to feel: soft, cold bed sheets. favourite part of my body: Arms. My arms are the strongest and yet weakest part of my body. favourite part of someone else's body: Looking at different people. I am always drawn to different aspects of their body depending on the attraction I find in their personality. Why i shot myself: To remind myself I am confident with my own skin. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Gina Rinehart. No explanation needed. who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Nancy Botwin, main character of the TV show Weeds. my website/fav website: Buzzfeed. Somedays you just need to look at endless pictures of cute animals. Most outrageous thing I have done: There is a list. All involving sex in public places. Bands I like: Spice Girls through to psy-trance. My tastes are too eclectic to narrow it down. Books I like: All Quiet on the Western Front. This book shows the world that sometimes the enemy aren't that at all. They are exactly the same as you or I, but taking orders from a different power. Films I like: The Breakfast Club. The ultimate coming of age film that puts the most basic differences between people into perspective. |