Media index
birthplace: Saint Nazaire, France. age: 22. height: 165cms. relationship status: Free. starsign: Cancer. biggest passion in my life: Dance/Danse. I like to listen to: the sea and the wind/la mer et le vent. I like to watch: the sunset at the beach/le coucher de soleil a la plage. I like to smell: the lavender in summer/la lavande en ete. I like to taste: chocolate, especially chocolate milk/chocolat, en particulier du lait au chocolat. I like to feel: happy/heureux. favourite part of my body: My eyes/Mes yeux. favourite part of someone else's body: The bust/Le buste. Why i shot myself: New experience/Nouvelle experience. who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My parents/Mes parents. who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My best friend/Ma meilleure amie Most outrageous thing I have done: Fight in a night club/Combattez dans une discotheque. Bands I like: Beyonce, Drake. Books I like: Harry Potter. Films I like: Fast and Furious, Braquage a l'Italienne. |