Media index
birthplace: Brisbane currently living in: Queensland occupation: Counsellor age: 25 height: 173 cm weight: 70 kg relationship status: Single starsign: Capricorn biggest passion in my life: Learning, knowledge is power I like to listen to: The sound of windchimes in a storm I like to watch: Lesbians making love I like to smell: Melting chocolate on the stove I like to feel: Mens bodies when they are covered in pearls of sweat favourite part of my body: My eyes favourite part of someone else's body: The rump Why i shot myself: To open a can of worms who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: My next door neighbour who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Mark Walhberg my website/fav website: www.hairylemon.com Most outrageous thing I have done: Skydive Bands I like: Puddle of Mud Books I like: The Celestine Prophecy Films I like: Donny Darko |