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I decided to try this because I thought it would be fun. This being my first time doing anything like this, I was quite excited and nervous. I ended up really enjoying myself. It was interesting to see how different angles and curves looked in the photographs. Trying to make the shots interesting and individual was difficult, but lots of fun. I would definately do it again.

Media index

Alyssa 'desired'
17 Dec 04
ZIP - 41 images
birthplace: Melbourne
currently living in: Sydney
occupation: Student
age: 22
height: 155cm
weight: 60kg
relationship status: Single
starsign: Aquarius
biggest passion in my life: Living it to the full.
I like to listen to: No doubt.
I like to watch: Las Vegas.
I like to smell: Fresh coffee.
I like to taste: Marshmallows and ice-cream.
I like to feel: Happy.
favourite part of my body: Face.
favourite part of someone else's body: Bums.
Why i shot myself: Fun.
who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Anne Wichcombe
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Orlando Bloom
Most outrageous thing I have done: Too many to remember after a few tequilas.
Bands I like: Pink.
Books I like: My lost sister.
Films I like: Fight club.