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In the history of humanity, major organisations, through it's control of public opinion, have mislead the ideas behind nudity. For many years, public nudity has been portrait as a sinful act of physical state. In this piece of work, the artist feel that nudity is a natural human state. Through being nude, we can get in touch with ourselves by liberating the body (the home of our souls) societies constraints. Therefore shouldn't public nudity be percieved as a sin, but as the essence of human nature. A natural physical realm. The artists dream about a world free from social definition, inequality and hegemony are banned, instead of banning the liberation of our bodies.

Media index

Libre 'free'
14 Mar 04
ZIP - 47 images
Libre 'monkey'
25 Aug 04
Photos - reload
ZIP - 59 images
Libre 'polyglot'
20 Oct 04
Libre 'dirtywords'
31 Dec 04
Photos - reload
ZIP - 53 images
birthplace: Latino America
occupation: estudiante
age: 23
relationship status: no importa
starsign: Piscis
biggest passion in my life: la sonnisa de un rino
I like to smell: canela
Why i shot myself: para probar a mi misma que nudismo es un estado natural
Bands I like: Ani DiFranco
Books I like: cien anos de soledad
Films I like: Amelie