Media index
birthplace: Bulgaria currently living in: Lakes entrance occupation: Fire-eater age: 21 height: 155 cm weight: 62 kg relationship status: polygamous and ambiguous starsign: Leo biggest passion in my life: finding / creating a free society I like to listen to: birds at twilight I like to watch: The bill I like to smell: beer on someones breath I like to taste: mango - yum I like to feel: warm grass favourite part of my body: ankles favourite part of someone else's body: hands Why i shot myself: to see myself from different angles who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Steven Tyler who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: My best friend Tracy Most outrageous thing I have done: won an air guitar competition in Belfast at a punk fest, by playing naked Bands I like: Tracy Chapman Books I like: Black beauty Films I like: The princess bride |