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birthplace: Australia currently living in: sometimes Sydney, sometimes overseas occupation: life drawing model, sex education age: 18 height: 165cm relationship status: single starsign: Aries biggest passion in my life: to grow my tits to an E cup through eating chicken I like to listen to: Polka and country music, other people fucking I like to watch: car accidents I like to smell: strawberries and body odour I like to taste: the tip of AA batteries, cheeseburgers I like to feel: mud...lots of it...everywhere favourite part of my body: tits and teeth favourite part of someone else's body: cock? Why i shot myself: I'd never done it before who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: Pamela Anderson who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Pauline Hanson my website/fav website:, Most outrageous thing I have done: too many! Maybe sex in my baby sister's bed |