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I am confident with myself as a person. I enjoy my body and have no fears flaunting it as an artistic object. I enjoyed taking photos of my nudity as it gave me a feeling of power and self-worth which was a new feeling for me as I have never thought of my body in an artistic way before. I would feel liberated to be naked in public without any feelings of embarassment which are usually associated with being naked in front of strangers.

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Helena 'not_fragile'
20 Aug 03
ZIP - 32 images
birthplace: Bombala, Australia
currently living in: Darlinghurst, Australia
occupation: Waitress
age: 21
height: 165cm
weight: 52kgs
relationship status: in a loving relationship
starsign: libra
biggest passion in my life: travel
I like to listen to: goa trance
I like to watch: not a lot
I like to smell: the smell of my boyfriend
I like to taste: thai, sushi, salad
I like to feel: happy and fun-filled
favourite part of my body: torso
favourite part of someone else's body: torso
Why i shot myself: to find out how it felt
my website/fav website: www.goatrance.nl
Most outrageous thing I have done: flashed drivers in cars