Media index
birthplace: Shepparton, Vic currently living in: Sydney occupation: substitute teacher age: 23 height: 164cm weight: guess from my pictures relationship status: honeymoon phase starsign: Scorpio biggest passion in my life: falling in love I like to listen to: the classics I like to watch: The Simpsons I like to smell: Chanel I like to taste: sushi I like to feel: my boyfriends arms around me favourite part of my body: my boobs favourite part of someone else's body: eyes and I like a square jaw Why i shot myself: to see what I look like on camera who I'd least like to see shoot themselves: the postman who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: Madonna my website/fav website: don't really look at the internet Most outrageous thing I have done: ate a whole pack of dried bananas at once. The result was not pretty! |