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Sensuality begins at home, with your own body. I enjoy mine and this project gave me an opportunity to explore it from new angles. I hope you liek what you see as much as I enjoyed making these pictures, and give it a go yourself.

Media index

Nikki 'goop'
17 Jun 03
ZIP - 40 images
birthplace: Amsterdam
currently living in: As fully as I can.
occupation: Student
age: 19
height: 168cm
weight: 52Kg
relationship status: Single
biggest passion in my life: Experiencing distant palces and exotic cultures
I like to listen to: The beat of my lover's heart
I like to watch: Always!
I like to smell: like patchouli!
I like to taste: Oh yes I do.
favourite part of my body: To be honest, I'm very happy with all of it, but I dont' like my breasts so much.
Why i shot myself: I won't always look liek this, it's now or never.
who I'd most like to see shoot themselves: I want to see the whole world naked. What are you waiting for?!?!
my website/fav website: www.ishotmyself.com
Most outrageous thing I have done: Hitched my way around South America