New Releases
Nov 03, 2021 Alicia_D//"bushland"
"It was a little cloudy and I needed good lighting so had to go outside for most of them which was a little difficult whilst living with my parents. I took some in my back yard and I also got a few photos of me dilating, which is a part of my daily routine every evening since I had surgery. I put on Netflix and I also went for a trek to a nearby bushland park to get some more in nature, which was pretty nerve-wracking as there were quite a few people walking along the trails."
Nov 02, 2021 Lil_C//"es_politica"
"La luz lo es TODO, asi que decidi subir al tejado de mi casa. Mientras hacia las fotos realmente perdi la nocion del tiempo y del espacio (¡que abstraccion!) hay vecinos merodeando, ninos jugando a la pelota delante de mi casa pero yo estaba realmente tan inmersa, solo jugando. Solo queria dejarme llevar. La desnudez es arte, es creatividad, es contacto con el mundo a traves de la piel, es politica. / Light is EVERYTHING, so I decided to go up to the roof of my house. While I was taking the pictures I actually lost track of time and space (such an abstraction!) there are neighbors hanging around, kids playing ball in front of my house but I was really so immersed, just playing. I just wanted to let myself go. Nudity is art, is creativity, is contact with the world through the skin, it is politics."
Nov 01, 2021 Phillipa_V//"intentions"
"My shoot was taken in a sanctuary I like to call my room, my safe space, my world. Initially this shoot's intentions were to have fun and explore different techniques and methods to help my body portray my overall idea. However, from the commencing of the project I made myself aware that this was going to be an incredible self growth journey. The fabrics were a blast to play with during the shoot and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out in the images."
Oct 31, 2021 Lina_M//"GolayaKvartira"
"The shoot was successful. I opened the curtains to get more daylight. I was embarrassed because I was afraid that someone might see me naked through the window. I thought it was funny after the photo shoot though. I was shy but it turned me on that someone might see me, and I had to use the mirrored doors from the wardrobe. When the doorbell rang, I started dressing quickly. When the door was closed and the courier came out, I laughed."
Oct 30, 2021 Effie_G//"naked_glory"
"I shot myself in my apartment lounge room and bedroom, blinds open for all of my neighbours to bask in my naked glory. This will be one of those Saturdays that I will remember for years to come, as I knelt, laid down and just generally let myself take up all the space to capture my body in its truest and rawest form. I have always loved being naked, but partway through this experience I discovered a new found appreciation for my body. Finding an acceptance and contentment to the angles I had been conditioned to not see as conventionally attractive. This has left me feeling empowered and inspired with the desire to never wear clothes again."
Oct 29, 2021 Anna_Belle//"used_books"
"While doing my shoot I decided to head up to the roof of my apartment building to take some photos as it was a very sunny day, and it's fun taking nudes in public spaces! Then I went back to my apartment and used books, mirrors and candles which I felt represented the things that I enjoy - I love reading books! I used my feet to hold up mirrors and used multiple mirrors to capture my body from different angles."
Oct 28, 2021 Barbara//"energizante"
"I'd like to share with you all these pics in which I feel enormously represented - fat, beautiful, natural and affectionate. I hope that you can feel the energizing connection that I have felt. These photos were taken at a temperature of 40 degrees celsius in my house in Madrid. I hesitated to include the photos in which my body sweats ostensibly, but I have decided to share all of them, because sweat has a sexy element to me."
Oct 27, 2021 Allana_M//"immortalized"
"I shot this set in my home that I'm about to move out of! I've lived in this lovely little home for almost three years now. It will now be immortalized forever in this set of photos, and that makes me happy. Due to my location in the PNW-US and it being winter at the time of shooting this, I had to wait quite a while to have a day with good natural lighting in my home. I love how intimate these photos feel for me. Just alone in my own home, getting naked."
Oct 26, 2021 Jaqueline//"PartsOfMyBody"
"This folio was taken around various parts of my current abode. Here I spend my time mostly writing and playing music and exploring aspects of sexuality and the feminine. Many things came through during this shoot. Thoughts/words: Surrender to the vulnerability of nakedness. All its potential representations. I deeply accept myself. I contemplate womanhood and growing. I let go of any jealousy and comparison. This folio is true. This is being safe in nakedness. Secure in creativity. This body is mine to take care of and I share parts of it with you here now. Rediscovering innocence to deepen growth."
Oct 24, 2021 Clem//"LeafyMelbourne"
"I shot this folio in my leafy Melbourne bedroom in the winter morning sunshine. It was a beautiful experience for me, as I don't often take the time to really be in my body and accept it unconditionally. It was an exciting way to practice self love and awareness of my beautiful self. I'm not used to seeing myself in such a complete way, so it was lovely getting better acquainted with my own body. I was giggling and grinning the whole way through!"
Oct 23, 2021 Viktoria_D//"ukrasha"
Shot with a selfie stick. "It was much more than just taking beautiful snaps - it was fun, and exciting, and also demanding. I photographed myself on the abandoned construction site of a seaside hotel and its surroundings. Bare walls, obscene graffiti, scattered trash. In my country, they say that places do not adorn people but people adorn places with their presence. Oh, and one more thing, occasional visitors added quite a bit of adrenaline to the process!"
Oct 23, 2021 Regina_T//"housework"
"I took these photos while cleaning the kitchen. I was washing the dishes and was feeling a little bit mysterious and was in a really good mood and decided that I needed to shoot myself ASAP! It was strange feeling excited and a bit turned on while just doing housework. I wanted to capture this oddly happy feeling on camera. I hope you like these pictures and that they put you in a good mood too!"
Oct 22, 2021 Eloise_G//"TheWaterfall"
"I shot most of my folio in a waterfall that I came across when I was out on a hike. I had planned to spend the morning in nature, eating grapes and reading my book. When I found this gorgeous, secluded spot I decided to get my kit off and enjoy it! The rest of my photos were shot in my room at home. While the location isn't as striking as a waterfall in a forest, it's another place I feel safe and connected to myself."
Oct 21, 2021 Caterina//"capturing_me"
"I shot myself in different rooms of my home. My bedroom, my friend's bedroom, the stairs, my attic. I had a lot of fun trying to come up with ideas and trying to capture them. I was thinking about trying to capture my personality. While taking some of the more intimate shots, knowing that they're going to be displayed made me feel a bit excited. At one point I even stopped shooting so I could have a little play."
Oct 20, 2021 Kat_A//"deseo"
"Decidi realizarlo en mi casa ya que es el lugar donde mas me siento yo misma y puedo darlo todo de mi. Es mi lugar comodo en el cual estan las cosas que mas amo, como mi pequena gata negra, mi piano y mis synthesizador, plantas y piedras. Me gusto mucho sacarme fotos a mi misma ya que me hacen sentir mas poderosa, hermosa y con mucho deseo de disfrutar mi cuerpo. / I decided to do the shoot at home since it is the place where I feel myself the most and I can give it my all. It is my place, the most comfortable place since there are the things that I love the most, like my little black cat, my piano and my synthesizers, plants and powerful rocks. I really liked taking photos of myself as they make me feel more powerful, beautiful and with a lot of desire to enjoy my body."