New Releases
May 13, 2018
"This shoot was incredible fun to undertake, the fence has a footpath on the other side and also a construction site at the moment. Knowing I was taking pictures while people went about their day just a few metres away was invigorating. Angles and lighting took practice and I had to shift around a few times to stay in the shade as the sun moved. Getting back into Shibari (rope work) was a challenge, with plenty of reattempting and small adjustments. The rope felt amazing though, sensations of being constrained and held in place were more than worth the effort."
May 12, 2018
"I really wanted to have a bath so decided to take some pictures while I was at it and it was actually heaps of fun! It made me feel really sexy which I didn't expect so that was a nice surprise. I was thinking at one point that heaps of people could probably see me from other buildings but I was too into it to care!"
May 12, 2018
"Se prendre en photo dans la nature etait pour moi comme un rappel au sauvage. Ce sauvage qui dort parfois en nous mais qui peut aussi nous transformer et nous rendre encore plus vibrant de vie. Les differents elements poussent a differentes formes de sensualites et de voluptes. J'ai vraiment aime voir comment les feuilles peuvent habiller un corps nu, comment la fumee leche la peau. Les rougeurs que le sol laisse sur les articulations, la sueur qui colle le sable sur le visage. D'infimes details qui rendent tout plus proche de ma realite et de ce que je voulais en montrer. Ce projet est aussi liberateur dans le sens ou il montre ce qui pour moi est la vraie sensualite d'une femme, sans artifice autres que la nature dans laquelle elle se met a danser et chanter, la ou elle retrouve le plaisir simple de se caresser les corps avec des fleurs. J'ai aime jouer avec la lumiere, entre les feuilles, avec les reflets dans l'eau, tout ce qui pouvait s'apparenter a de la magie, et apporter une surprise a la photo finale. / Taking pictures of myself in nature was for me like a recall to the wild. This wildness who sometimes sleeps in us but who can also transform us and make us even more vibrant. The different elements grow in different forms of sensuality and voluptuousness. I really like to see how the leaves can dress a naked body, how the smoke licks the skin. The redness that the soil leaves on the articulations, the sweat that sticks the sand on the face. Tiny details that make everything closer to my reality and what I wanted to show of it. This project is also liberator in the sense that it shows what for me is the true sensuality of a woman, without artifice other than the nature in which she starts to dance and sing, where she finds the pleasure of a simple caress on the body with a flower. I liked playing with the light, between the leaves, with reflections in the water, anything that could be adding some magic, and bring a surprise to the final photo."
May 11, 2018
"Before beginning my shoot I surprisingly felt a bit overwhelmed. How could I be original, be fun be sexy be cute etc. But after a few snaps I relaxed and started having fun with all the string, fur, mirrors, whipped cream and silliness of it all."
May 10, 2018
"Shooting myself was incredible. I brought a box of strawberries to a quiet spot and mashed them over my breasts. The red juice dripping over my pale skin looked incredible. I also brought along a dead snake and played with it, put it on my pussy, brought it up to my mouth and pretended to eat it. I had this cute tartan skirt on, took off my underwear and held the strawberries between my butt cheeks. I positioned the snake so it looked like it wanted to bite my clit. It was amazing to participate in a shoot that is just as weird as I am. I've always wanted to do something wacky like this. I definitely need to have a shower now though, I'm covered in sticky strawberry snake juice. I don't think I'll ever get to do something this unique and wonderful again, but if I do I'm a very lucky girl."
May 09, 2018
"I was originally going to do a cheeky nerdy type shoot, but it didn't feel right so I ended up going with a whole folio of how I love to show love to myself. I have started a whole bunch of self care activities in my life and I have become very addicted to it. No one can love me the way I love me. The funny thing about this is that I had to be very secretive from my housemates, so when I had found my spot, I put up the sheets to make sure no one at home could see but then the wind happened!"
May 09, 2018
"Even if I love my apartment it can easily turn in a prison when I start thinking I'm unemployed. I'll finish my money really soon if I keep doing nothing, so I always try to stay positive, enjoying this kind of freedom doing all the things a like to do indoors - cooking, having a bath, listening to music, reading, taking the sun on the balcony...and obviously being naked."
May 08, 2018
"I think me and a lot of women see themselves for less than what they are. We are all beautiful in our own way, and let's appreciate our little flaws as much as our nice attributes. We all have this power, nobody else is YOU. Also, as I tried to show in my shoot, I've been dealing with a lot of skin problems (mainly acne) in the past few years, and this is my biggest insecurity. I just stopped using makeup and started to show up my face to the world as it is. I hate covering up. This is my skin and that's it. I've seen doctors and tried literally everything to get rid of it, even took meds that gave me bad side effects. Now I gave up and it's okay. Sometimes it's better to give up than focus too much on something you can't control.
THANK YOU ISM for helping me feeling beautiful and sexy again, and the fabulous person that guided me beautifully in this experience."
May 07, 2018
"This was my second time shooting for ISM, so I was surprised to find that I was a bit nervous about it again. I decided to shoot out in my garden, a place where I love to spend time tending to my veggies. Since my last harvest, it had become quite overgrown, so I couldn't help but tug some weeds from the ground as my clothes began to come off. By the time I was fully nude, my nerves slipped away and I was having the most wonderful time. I should really do the gardening in the nude more often!"
May 07, 2018
"This shoot was definitely a challenge and a half, I'm a photographer myself but I've never had to find creative ways to take a photo of myself. That, and the light in my apartment! I have great light in the lounge room but I live with two boys and that can tricky. I went into my bedroom and only have the one panel window door and where my mirror was, ahhh! Tragic. But you know what, in the end it really helped my confidence and was just so much fun and I loved every minute of it."
May 06, 2018
"My house is pretty dark so I decided to shoot myself on my balcony. I pinned a white sheet up and surrounded myself with my favourite plants - including my favourite fruit salad plant, which fell over in the wind about five minutes in. I loved using the mirror because I've never had the opportunity to really focus on certain parts of my body and how they look at different angles."
May 05, 2018
"Because of my red hair, pale skin and girth-y hips, my friends often liken me to a Degas painting or a renaissance woman. It usually allows for a funny gallery selfie, but it was interesting taking some of that and trying to pull off these poses the models were captured in, especially in the gilded frame of my mirror. Keeping a body part on the shutter had me scrap so many ideas and really try to improvise as much as possible, picking up props around the room to enter my fantasy, paying more attention the the angles and lines of my body I had previously overlooked, and loving the discovery."
May 05, 2018
"I had lots of enjoyment doing this project, as I've wanted to do a shoot based around nature for a while now. I have recently fallen in love with the outdoors more and more, and I felt the need to express that with a photo shoot. I love the natural light on my fair skin and I truly felt like a real forest fairy nymph while taking some of these shots! It's inspired me to be even more close with nature now, and spend more time with myself outdoors. The only downfall I would say is that I tried to take more shots in an intriguing forest near my house, but that didn't exactly go to plan as there happened to be a few people there having a picnic. Eek! Thank you so much ISM!! I love being a part of it. <3"
May 04, 2018
"To be the model and the photographer was a fantastic experience. It gave me a different perspective of myself and I felt proud of the creative shots I took of my beautiful body. I wanted to show all my friends! It was a lot of photos though and I am not a selfie type of person. I noticed myself in my highs and lows, when I was feeling sexy, feeling silly, and I inspired my housemates when I was walking around naked that they took off their tops too! After spending so much time naked and seeing myself in my own skin, when it came to the night time and I was getting ready to go out with high school friends I just didn't know what to wear! It took me so long to decide because I needed to wear not only what I was comfortable in but also what would fit in to the sort of place we were going. It was interesting because I just wanted to go out naked, haha!"
May 03, 2018
"No tengo demasiados problemas con mi cuerpo desnudo, pero si bastantes con el manejo de una camara. Se me da muy mal hacerme selfies pero al final, han salido algunas fotos bastante chulas. Unas cuantas hojas, un sombrero, una camara y un poco de creatividad hacen que puedas pasar un rato increible contigo misma. Ha sido una experiencia muy personal y divertida y me alegro profundamente de haberla vivido. / I do not have too many problems with my naked body, but enough with the handling of a camera. I'm very bad at selfies but in the end, some pretty cool photos have come out. A few leaves, a hat, a camera and a little creativity make you have an incredible time with yourself. It has been a very personal and fun experience and I am very happy to have lived it."