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"I let this shoot happen organically. I set myself up by my bedside window with some wine and groovy house music bumping and incorporated whatever colors and props jumped out at me around the room. I stopped when I felt like I was running out of creative juices and dragged my very supportive boyfriend out of bed early the next morning to finish. We ran across the street to a park and found a somewhat hidden spot behind some trees. He kept watch while I got some more shots rolling in the grass and lounging in a tree and at one point he even pretended to do some stretching exercises to distract a worker's truck coming down the footpath. It was so lovely to have him there supporting what I was doing, and it felt quite liberating being spread-eagle and stark-naked in the park while the morning joggers and dog walkers passed by completely unaware."
""My video project - "Story of a frustrated unemployed Librarian". It's a kind of documentary about my every day life, made of long moments waiting for a call from a new job, waiting for other people to finish working, waiting for the sunset to leave home because it's too hot outside."
"The shoot started off great finding my angles and having fun. I had a giggle every time I jumped off my window sill to hide from school children and old ladies walking down my street. After about 50 photos and 20 potential flashes to the neighbourhood, I was craving a cigarette. My housemate who was so kindly blowing bubbles for my shoot suggested I take a few photos with the smoke and they turned out to be some of my favorite shots."
"My shoot which I have called "painting the town red" was inspired by my favourite colour, Red. Red symbolises love, sex and hunger which are three of my favourite things in life. My cheeky nature is really expressed through the shoot and I had an amazingly fun time shooting it and to be able share that with you. I've tried to incorporate my athletic side with one of my sexy Bulls jersey. Red lips and pearls are a must for the ultimate feminine look."
"When I first started this project my creative juices started flowing. I wanted to do something that was a little fun and out of the ordinary. The original plan was to fill a bath full of cereal, but, the bathtub I had lined up fell through and we ended up doing some shooting outside and used what we had. Then, the next day I thought "why not use a small pool?" and suddenly we are in the grocery store buying milk and fruit loops; So much milk and fruit loops! It was cold and I tasted super sweet afterwards but it was so worth it. I was quite nervous and awkward at first but then I started having fun with the idea and all the props. I would love to do it again! The empowerment you feel after this experience is a high like no other."
"I started this shoot after riding my bike to a friend's place. Along the way I picked up a broken dirty bike chain (for a crafty project) and so was very grease smeared when I arrived! I immediately started my shots in the garden and had a lot of fun posing grease smeared in the garden afternoon light! This folio is about exploring perspectives of intimacy through different textures angles and feelings. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did in making it!"
"When I was asked to do a second shoot, I was quite surprised. I enjoyed myself so much in the first shoot, I couldn't wait to get home and get started. For this shoot I wanted to give my own bedroom a try. But it seemed even after moving things around, the lighting still wasn't quite right. So I decided to go outside where the weather wasn't terrible. My bedroom has a door that opens right out to the backyard with a small deck in front of it. After deciding to go outside, I sent a message to the group chat with a house of boys that I live with, warning them not to go outside as I'll be taking photos of myself naked. Some of them were confused but agreed and I managed to have a successful shoot. It wasn't as cold as I was expecting and there was a lot more room to work with this time round. Again, thoroughly enjoying my experiences with these shoots and the creative input I'm able to make."
"I share a room with my best friend but she's super cool and loves this project so she vacated the place for a few hours. I put on some reggae and just started toying with the mirror and light in the room. It's actually really sexy just being nude and bending and twisting your body in front of a mirror. It was kinda hard trying to find a complete blank canvas to take the photos in because as soon as you think you got the perfect shot, when flicking back through the photos you see a bottle of moisturizer in the background or an apple sticker on the floor. I got completely lost in myself, and looked over and over the pictures thinking "This is me, as I am and this is my truth". It's pretty awesome to be totally comfortable with yourself, and I Shot Myself made me realise that I love my body!"
"I had a lot of fun doing this shoot, at first it seemed strange, although taking nudes of myself wasn't a new thing for me, it seemed more special and relaxed. While carrying around this surprisingly heavy mirror on an aggressively windy day over a fence, I went up a slight hill to my paddock dam for one shot and the wind was so strong it tipped the mirror and knocked my head hard, I started laughing and crying then got up and moved location to somewhere safer! :)"
Apr 26, 2018 Tyler_G//"momentum"
"This shoot was very interesting. I did it in 3 sessions. The first was very fun, the lighting and set was perfect, my creativity was able to come out in the body angles I used and discovered. The second session was a lot harder, I did it outside in my friend's backyard. It was sooo hot and my boobs, legs and bum were burnt for days! I also had a lot of trouble trying to use the mirror, other people on ISM make it look so easy! By the third session I was running out of ideas but I pushed on with it, and in the end I was really happy with the photos I had produced. The big lesson I learnt was that when you are on a roll, don't let the momentum go. I discovered that I did in fact have some creative abilities, it was wonderful to have the chance to explore the artist inside that I didn't know existed."
"...I felt like I was able to express more of myself than could be conveyed in a photo. I hope you enjoy watching the video as much as I did making it!"
"I am a mum. I am an artist. I have wrinkles and scars and I'm fat, and you know what? I'm a beautiful sexy woman, the world is at my feet and full of possibilities. I am a sexual creature. Society tells us that's a bad thing, especially as a woman. But honestly I'm not happy unless I'm embracing and accepting that about myself. The periods in my life that I've tried to "conform" and reject that part of myself has really messed with my mental health. I became really depressed and it felt like my soul was slowly dying. So now I accept this is ME. I am a sexual creature and that is OK. I'd scream it from the rooftops if I could because I won't be silenced again. My journey with mental health and discovering how important accepting yourself sexually is, no matter how you feel or what are into, has made me passionate about helping people embrace their sexuality. I love helping people see their beauty and no matter how they identify or feel I let them know that it's okay, that kinks and fetishes (no matter how uncommon) are okay and to be celebrated as a beautiful part of yourself. Dance in the rain and celebrate your awesomeness."
"Toen ik begon met de shoot was ik een beetje nerveus en onzeker over hoe ik mezelf wilde vastleggen. Ik voelde me oncomfortabel naakt. Maar tussen een paar foto's in, besefte ik dat ik aan het proberen was om aan de verwachtingen van anderen te voldoen en niet gewoon foto's maakte hoe ik wilde. Dus deed ik wat ik normaal een paar keer per week doe: Ik ga naakt voor een spiegel staan, zet een goed nummer op (in dit geval Mr Brightside - The Killers) en begon gewoon met lol maken. Het is als een meditatie, als mijn hoofd vol gedachten is, ga ik simpelweg zingen en dansen! Achteraf voel ik me leeg en opgeladen. / When I started doing the shoot, I was a bit nervous and insecure about how I would like to capture myself. I felt uncomfortable being naked. But just in between a few pics, I realized that I was trying to fulfill other's expectations, and not just shooting myself the way I wanted to. So I did what I usually do a few times a week: I get naked in front of a mirror, put a banger on (in this case, Mr. Brightside - The Killers) and started just having fun. It's like meditation, when my head is full of thoughts, I simply sing and dance it all out! Afterwards, I feel emptied and recharged."
"This shoot was a lot more difficult than I expected! When I first started I kind of just threw myself into it, and tried to get as much variety in the shots as I could. After I had finished I felt really happy with what I had done, only to discover that many of the shots were out of focus!! On my second attempt I tried to consider the placement of my body and face a bit more, just so that my camera was picking everything up. It felt great trying to move my body around in different ways and I felt super safe and content doing my shoot in my bedroom, a place that I love to spend time and create in."
"I was really happy with the contrast between the lime green of the couch and the red hue of my hair. The light really accentuated it as well as my pale skin which I was so stoked with. I guess I just continued to experiment and explore my limits in this shoot, with an emphasis on colours and light."