New Releases
Jun 09, 2018
"This is my second time doing ISM (and my first time doing a Beautiful Agony!) however this time I am 14 years older. I remembered how much I enjoyed being in total control of the way I wanted to be depicted and now as an older woman I was even more exhilarated with this opportunity. Older yes, but stronger and more confident. This was a chance for me to celebrate and share who I am at 50 rather than feel sad for what I have lost."
Jun 09, 2018
"I had a wonderful time! Almost got walked in on though, which was hilariously nerve-racking! Funny how even in the middle of nowhere people can appear. But it somehow made the shoot even more interesting, having the “was almost caught” story. Despite that, I have to say that being out in the wilderness nude was very freeing! It felt natural and comfortable and I was very relaxed no matter what pose I was in. The entire process was very straightforward and I really appreciated it! Honestly I contributed as a way of proving to myself that I am attractive, and in the process came to realize that any so called flaws I think I possess are what make me that much more uniquely, beautifully me. I feel more confident in myself and my skin because of this. When I look in the mirror I am seeing, rather than my flaws, me."
Jun 08, 2018
"This shoot was incredible, it was amazing to be in control and have the power in my hands. My Mum Hazey did a shoot years ago and had great things to say about her experience so I decided to give ISM and Beautiful Agony a go. It is amazing being part of a project that I adore and I feel privileged to contribute to it. With that being said though, my god was it nerve-racking to take the photos when I live in the bottom floor of an apartment block with a clear view through every window. I even had to duck and hide out of sight from neighbours and workers nearby. Many times I could hear the shuffles of the creepy old guy living in the vicinity, so I would sit below the window until he passed by. But with passing anxieties of staring eyes, I found fun with the risk of being caught."
Jun 07, 2018
"Dadurch dass ich entschieden habe, mein Shooting am Strand zu schiessen hatte ich ich durchaus Zuschauer, die wiederwillig zugesehen haben, wie ich mich sebst an einem oeffentlichem Strand nacktfotografiert habe. Ich habe mal wieder die Sonne unterschaetzt. Letztendlich bin ich mit einem Sonnenbrand auf den Bruesten Freundin Ninette_M nach hause gefahren. / By deciding to do my shoot on the beach, I had quite a few spectators who have reluctantly watched me naked on a public beach. I have again underestimated the sun. Finally, I drove home with my friend Ninette_M and a sunburn on my breasts that I won't soon forget."
Jun 06, 2018
"It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to do this shoot and take time to express myself like I have. I had a lot of fun thinking about how I could take photos that show parts of me and who I am along with all of the different poses I could do. I am lucky that it was lovely weather the day I took photos and my house has a gorgeous outdoor area I could take some of the photos in, and I decided not to worry if any of the neighbours could see me having fun."
Jun 06, 2018
"Holla. It's Part 3 of what I've decided I'm going to call the hyper_diaries. Today we're going to touch on the
theory AND practise of recording orgasms. You will recognise my formatting immediately, but listen carefully
because I dive deeply into the crux of my motivations. We may all be 'strangers on the internet' but I aim to
be so much more than that in my contributions."
Jun 05, 2018
"In de shoot, aan een lake, bij de golfbaan. Keek ik tussen mijn benen en stond er ineens een kangeroo mee te kijken! Ik heb echt een geweldige tijd gehad en ik ben dol op mijn laatste foto's. / For the shoot I was at a lake, I also went to a golf course. I looked between my legs and suddenly a kangaroo was watching! I had a really great time and I love my final images."
Jun 04, 2018
"This was my second shoot for ISM, I took the photos at my house in the comfort of my bedroom. My experience overall was uplifting, I love the whole idea of ISM. How it empowers women - every shape and size, every nationality every flaw, ISM welcomes them all. I'm the one that's usually behind the camera so for me to be in front of it was a bit daunting I do have to confess, but it was more exciting than anything. I giggled the whole time because I think I look like a giant red tomato."
Jun 04, 2018
"This is the first time I've ever done something like this before so I wasn't too sure what to do. But while out one day I found a big old warehouse and decided it would be the perfect place to explore and take some pictures for ISM! It was super dirty and dusty everywhere but after clearing away a little space and checking for spiders I had so much fun getting naked and playing around with my fishnets."
Jun 03, 2018
Rose_P & Nicole_S//"burialbabes_2"
"Platonic intimacy is very important to me as an individual. Being able to share your naked body and warmth with another human without shame of judgement or contempt is so freeing, and that’s exactly how this shoot felt for me. I was safe, comfortable, and connected in a way that felt nothing less than authentic and pure. I was and are still full of bliss over this shoot, the friendship I made through this, and the love that I got to share."
Jun 03, 2018
Rose_P & Nicole_S//"burialbabes_2"
"Platonic intimacy is very important to me as an individual. Being able to share your naked body and warmth with another human without shame of judgement or contempt is so freeing, and that’s exactly how this shoot felt for me. I was safe, comfortable, and connected in a way that felt nothing less than authentic and pure. I was and are still full of bliss over this shoot, the friendship I made through this, and the love that I got to share."
Jun 03, 2018
"Da es sich um meinen ersten Shoot handelte, war ich gespannt, was es bringen wuerde. Mit meiner Freundin Amber_G fuhren wir an einen Strand der einigermassen einsam sein sollte. Er war nicht wirklich einsam, denn es waren viele Autos geparkt und nach einiger Zeit kam eine Schulklasse vorbei. Natuerlich habe ich sie nicht kommen sehen, da ich beschaeftigt war. Ich merkte nur, wie die Lehrerin die Kinder schnell in die andere Richtung lenkte. Tatsaechlich war ich einen Moment peinlich beruehrt, denn es ist nicht als selbstverstaendlich anzusehen, dass sich Menschen an einem oeffentlichen Strand in allen moelgichen Positionen fotografieren. Es war eine wunderbare Erfahrung. Vor allem, da ich mich in der Natur befand. Der Wind streichelte meine Haut und ich fuehlte mich wohl in dem Kleid meiner Natur, am Meer mit dem Blick in die endlosen Weiten des Paradises in dem wir leben. / Since it was my first shoot, I was curious what it would bring. My girlfriend Amber_G and I drove to a beach that should've been reasonably quiet. It wasn't though, because there were many cars parked and after some time a school class came over. Of course I did not see them coming because I was busy. I only noticed how the teacher quickly steered the children in the other direction. I was embarrassed for a moment, because it is not to be taken for granted that people photograph themselves on a public beach in all possible positions. It was a wonderful experience. Especially since I was in nature. The wind stroked my skin and I felt comfortable in the dress of my nature, by the sea with the view into the endless expanse of the paradise in which we live."
Jun 02, 2018
"These ISM shoots have turned into a form of exercise for me. Stretching muscles I wasn't aware I had as I twist and turn my body into positions and push it to its limits. I have a new-found love and respect for my body after doing these shoots, surprising myself with my body's ability and discovering new angles and parts I hadn't appreciated before."
Jun 02, 2018
"Furry by day, Sexual creature by night. I am more at ease naked than clothed and if it wasn't a law I am sure I would be one of the ones that would be naked all the time. I am into DDLG and enjoy a good strangle. With some of the photos I used cum lube which I accidentally got into my mouth and let me tell you it is the most disgusting flavour. It took me a while to get the taste out of my mouth, that and it is incredibly sticky."
Jun 01, 2018
"I shot myself was good fun and it re-inspired me. It reminded me how much work I have done in the last year to get to this point of being able to share nudity confidently with others. A few years ago I would've never been able to show myself to others without every shot having to be perfect. There's something great about being in your 30's, you know more who you are and that is not just your body. I know my worth. I am a beautiful goddess and every scar, mark and mole belongs to me."