New Releases
May 22, 2018 Vanessa_J//"allaboutme"
"I personally had so much fun with this shoot, I pushed myself into directions that I normally would not. I purposely enhanced what I am most self-conscious about, to rewrite what I see as flaws to what I now see as beautiful. I loved being in complete control of the shoot, so I could truly be myself, without worrying about how anyone was viewing me. It was honestly all about me. Having this brand new, self-exploratory journey has truly been changing for me and how I feel about myself, control and my body image. Everyone should have this experience."
May 21, 2018 Grace_T//"sunlightglow"
"I decided to try doing a shoot in a different environment, my backyard. It's a bit more exciting when you're on the lookout for curious neighbours or roommates arriving home early from work! The sun is harsh on my pale skin but I glow in the outside light. I found the verandah imprints and dirt on my bum a little cute."
May 21, 2018 Selena_V//"self_exploration"
"In my folio I aimed to give viewers an urge to undergo their own self exploration process. Often we forget to check in with ourselves and our bodies, so self exploration in the form of photography can be a reminder of this! I attempted to focus on the various forms a human body makes and how different camera angles can alter our perception of a body - arms can look incredibly long! I shot myself as soon as I woke up because I was warm and comfortable, and I wanted to utilize the morning light."
May 20, 2018 Colette_C//"exploring"
"C’est la troisième fois que je participe à I Shot Myself et à chaque fois mon corps a évolué. Je suis contente de m’être prise en photo pendant ces trois dernières années parce que ça m’aider à garder en tête que j’aime être moi, peu importe si je suis un peu plus grosse et si je ne ressemble pas à ce model parfait sur Instagram. / It’s the third time I shoot myself and my body has changed each time. I’m glad I captured myself during these last three years to keep in mind how I enjoy being myself, no matter if I get bigger or don’t have the perfect skinny fit instagram body. This last folio was very fun to make. I took photos in every room of my house, always with the risk of one of my housemates coming home at unexpected moments."
May 20, 2018 Millie_B//"curl_up"
"The whole experience was fun and playful, but a lot harder than I thought it would be. The amount of photos needed didn't sound like a lot, but it was hard to come up with interesting angles! The house I live in doesn't have much privacy in the garden, so I used my friend's balcony and shot myself there using a bed sheet for a bit of privacy and my duvet to create a nice soft space to work with."
May 19, 2018 Nicole_P//"inkysmiles"
"Black and white and bruised all over! It was both easier and much harder shooting myself a second time. Easier because I felt more comfortable, I had a better sense of what to aim for, and using a mirror gave me so many fun opportunities! It was harder to find new poses, to capture the spontaneity and adrenaline of the first shoot. Embracing my body like this was amazing though, I never expected to ease into the experience so quickly, and to enjoy the challenge of creating a beautiful sexy self to share!"
May 19, 2018 Kylie_A//"freshandcalm"
"This was a relaxed and fun shoot. Due to the lack of natural light in my house I had to be so close to a window that I could easily be seen from the street. Because of this I started on the ground and in the end I stayed low for almost all of the shots. It felt very creative to try and find new angles of myself in a limited space. The combination of a soft towel and shag rug against my skin was very calming and allowed me to enjoy the experience so much I was finished before my hair had the time to dry."
May 18, 2018 Lou_V//"grand_mystique"
"A travers ce projet photographique, j ai souhaite rendre grace a la beaute naturelle, la beaute originelle de la nature. La riviere, l ecorce des arbres, la roche. La diversite de la nature, de la vegetation au sein d un meme perimetre. J aime les contrastes, la lumiere naturelle sur la peau, les ombres qui dansent, les contorsions. Cette seance devoile differents pans de ma personnalite. L artiste sur scene arborant maquillage bio, accessoires de l univers des arts du spectacle. Autant que l archetype de la femme sauvage, a decouvert, forte dans son impudeur.
Ceci est symbolise a travers le masque arbore puis retire. / The mask is flooding through her lips as she reveals her tribal, wild self. The colors and accessories are fading away. She hypnotises you and invites you to dance with her in the elements. The wild woman is unraveled, revealing her intimacy, untamed. She murmurs to you that she lives within you. She invites you to gather the bones, to sing to the river, to meet your soul, to follow her in the underground world. If your soul is thirsty of emotions, dive into your mystic art, shake your bones, crawl and she will show you the great mysteries. Begin your own journey."
May 17, 2018 Salena_M//"dressmaker"
"During this shoot, I learned that I actually accept myself a lot more for who I am now than I once did. The props used and the poses done were not what I expected of myself after a physical injury prevented my ability to be flexible, but this shoot has actually helped in physical fitness and helping to relax and stretch myself more. My comfortability has certainly been exceeded in this by shooting on a balcony and in more public rooms around the house rather than hiding away in the bathroom and bedrooms. My advice for anyone to gain more self appreciation is to do a naked photo shoot! Especially for someone who wouldn't normally take a photo of themselves, also make sure to use natural lighting, it will always be the most flattering."
May 16, 2018 Silvie//"lugar_privado"
"I loved the experience, it was more difficult than I thought because managing the camera and posing at the same time is a lot of work, so I tried to use mirrors for most of them. I definitely wanted to do some shots outdoors and on the beach, it was difficult to find a private place, but it was an adventure."
May 16, 2018 Dani_E//"gourmettherapy_3"
"I showed myself in front of the camera, my doubts, my frustrations, in a ironic way, and proving at the end that the best way to escape to all my problems is by following my erotic side."
May 15, 2018 Zooey_R//"happyhustler"
"I had big ideas. I had locations set up. Had people involved. I was going to make it a real special kind of thing. Then I decided to make it like me getting ready to go out. To work, coming home from work. I am a hustler. I hustle more than I am proud to admit. But I am happy and this is a part of me and my lives. I am proud of my rig, it’s a bit soft because I recently had an ectopic pregnancy, thus resulting in emergency surgery where I nearly died. Only two weeks after that, I was raped. Which I dealt with very well. My sexual behaviour is no different, I am a little more cautious I guess. I won’t let that piece of shit take anything else away from me. Another reason I did this shoot was to ensure my sexual side was okay. I am a sexual human, strong and independent. I love my sexual side so much I actually paint erotic subjects, I photograph sexual acts and I am open with my sexuality."
May 14, 2018 Scarlett_R//"delicatelysoft"
"ISM is always such a fun, empowering experience. This is my second shoot and both times I felt amazing. Shooting myself in this way makes me feel in control of my body, sexuality and femininity. For anyone wanting to discover a strong sense of self confidence, I cannot recommend this project enough! You are rewarded with such a deep sense of self assurance and strength. ISM is a wonderful community of empowered women, a true feminist community. I had so much fun rolling around my bed completely naked, playing Lana Del Rey ablums to get in the mood. At first I had trouble getting into the vibe but then I found some twinkle fairy lights and really got started. I wanted to capture the soft, delicate vision of the female body with these photos. I loved playing around with different props in my room; from kitten badges, red lipstick, leather jackets, hats and diamond earrings. I found that the less I concentrated on trying to get the perfect shot and more on having fun the easier it became. It felt like a boudoir shoot but even more intimate. With the music and the lighting of the room it definitely began to feel like an art studio, with me as the artist and the artwork."
May 14, 2018 Alice_K//"rightathome"
"The day was fun and joyous. I started off really unsure, but within minutes I settled right in. Throughout my shoot I had a little keen fan - it was a black and white cat. He purred and crawled all around me and leaped across my body. I laughed and later found the cat, laying across my clothes as if it was right at home. Even as I left, I looked back to still see the cat walking towards me!"
May 13, 2018 Alyssa_B//"erotic_energy"
"I felt like this shoot was so much more erotic and explicit than my last one. It really represents the changes in lifestyle inside and out of who I am between now and then. It's so much fun to explore the energy my body chooses to emit at different point of time and how this wants to be seen in the world. I had heaps of fun and am building this dear love with my body and self consistently and consciously, thank you!"