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"I am so lucky to have this little piece of paradise in the big smoke to call home with people who appreciate it with me! And of course, the felines who complete the household."
"So of course I have sent nudes before but never have I ever taken it to a more professional level. I didn't realise how creative you can get when you explore taking nudes. I for one didn't ever think of taking a picture with my toe til' now! I always hear people/friends say "You shouldn't sell yourself" or "Don't show off your body" "Respect yourself" and honestly in this experience I gained more respect for myself and realised I love myself in my own skin, and that I should have no worries about showing off my body!"
"I've always wanted to do a shoot like this one. My confidence in photo shoots and videos have awakened more within me since I've gotten older. I love making videos and taking shots, so doing this shoot made me very happy. I did laugh at myself sometimes because all of the crazy positions I got myself into."
"My whole room was rearranged for this shoot! As well as this, I utilised some of my greenery to help me feel like a jungle woman and had such a lovely time, chlorophyll and skin is a magical combination. I felt as though it was possibly even more explorational and enjoyable somehow than the first one, it didn't seem to come as easily but that made my experience perhaps more valuable. This is documentation of me reveling in the bliss of inhabiting my very own earthly vessel!"
"ISM is amazing! I love that they use everyday people - REAL people, with beautiful flaws and all! I wanted to contribute to ISM because there was a time that I absolutely hated my body, and there will be others out there who may feel the same way, so being about to share my naked body to the world gives other people the confidence to be comfortable in their own skin too. Nobody should feel anything less than beautiful. Everyone is unique, and that's what makes everyone independently special."
Dec 09, 2018 Amy_S//"truetome"
"It is the third time to do "ishotmyself". It's been 4 years since last time. During these years, I got a big change. I got married and became a mother. But same thing is I still can find my passion with photo shoots. The difference is I am more mature and more relaxed in front of the camera. I really enjoy to shoot myself and happy to share my body to others. I also find beauty is not just the outside but more the spirit in the soul. I'm very happy about working with ISM again. Being a model makes me more confident and find the true nature of me. With time goes by, people's beauty may fade out, but they would get more in their minds. Thank you ISM."
"J'ai effectue le shooting en deux fois. J'ai du arreter la premiere fois car je me photographiais chez mon copain et j'ai du me cacher de ses colocataires ce qui a ete une grande mission! Mais j'ai beaucoup aime faire ces photos et j'ai pris plaisir a trouver toutes ces idees et objets qui m'ont permis de nourir ma creativite. / I shot my folio in two batches. I had to stop the first time because I was shooting at my boyfriend's house and had to hide from his housemates which was a big mission! In the second one I broke the mirror I used to shoot some of my photos. I really liked doing the shoot and finding all these little ideas and props that made me improve my creativity."
"This shoot felt really different to my first experience. It was shot in my roommate's and my own room, so I was able to relax even more. The last shoot was playful and had me giggling at myself, but in this shoot I felt sexier because I was in my own space and able to express my sexuality freely. I enjoyed the sort of voyeuristic notion that someone seeing these photos would see me naked in my own room, from the angle of my window."
"It was a great experience which I had a lot of fun with. It was a little challenging to do the whole shoot with the camera yourself and to not be able to use the self timer but I gave it a go and I'm happy with how it turned out and I hope you are too!"
Dec 07, 2018 Nikita_G//"aventure"
"Aventure. Un de mes mot preferes. Celui qui me permet de me faire un etat des lieux de ma vie, m'amuses-je ou non? Ce shoot c'etait une aventure. Attendre que les collocs s'en aillent, tendre l'oreille sans cesse pour m'assurer que personne ne rentre plus tot que prevu, deplacer le bordel dans ma chambre a plusieurs reprises, faire attention a ne pas marcher sur le chat qui dormait la. Et le plus drole pour la fin... J'etais nue comme un vers dans la cour de derriere quand la porte s'est subitement refermee. Une porte qui ne s'ouvre que de l'interieur. J'ai du escalader, grimper jusqu'au toit en tole, brulant a cause du soleil, et faire tout un tas d'acrobatie pour redescendre cote salon, ou j'avais heureusement laisse une porte ouverte... Les voisins ont-ils vu ce drole de chat? / Adventure. One of my favourite words. It makes me think about my life, am I having fun atm or not? This shoot was an adventure, waiting for the housemates to leave the house, listening to make sure no one is coming back home early, tidy up the mess in my room a few times, make sure I don't step on the cat who was laying there (what a life). And the funniest story for the end... I went to my backyard to take pictures, I was completely naked, looking for a spot when I saw the door shutting. This door can only be opened from inside... I had to climb the BBQ and the wall, get on top of the rooftop which was boiling because of the sun, and do some kind of body tricks to get back in the other backyard, where I had left a door open, thank God!"
"Over my lifetime as a female I've felt strange and shy about my body, the minute it started to develop and change. I didn't like certain things, getting my period and bloating was the worst - I felt fat and disgusting for a whole week. Being bullied at school was something that changed my perspective on myself, in a negative way. I was always called fat and weird and told I didn't fit in and never would. As a young woman it really affected my self reflection and the way I viewed myself. Now as a 20 something, in the midst of my busy schedule, I don't even give a thought to those bullies in high school. I'm young, semi-successful and I love the way a pair of jeans hugs my curves. I love eating a whole block of chocolate when I'm bloated and cramping. The point is, it shouldn't matter what anyone else says or thinks of you or your body, you need to be the first and only person who matters about what anyone thinks of how you look naked or not! I really want this shoot to be something everyone can look at and realise that it's okay to be bloated, have cellulite, rolls, curves, lumps and bumps. It's all part of being a woman, no matter the day! We are ALL BEAUTIFUL!"
"I did this shoot in the coastal town of Lorne where my partner and I went away for our anniversary together. Despite the fact that August is a rather chilly time of year to celebrate an anniversary by the beach, we had an amazing time."
Dec 05, 2018 Kyanite//"endorphin"
"This was my first 'I Shot Myself' project. I had heaps of fun creating the set, and figuring out new ways to hold the camera and take new styles of selfies. I used my toes to take a few images which I found quite amusing and interesting, and the effect on the images is great! I set the style to represent some of my personality, I like books, bright colours, tea (of course, being British!) and the beautiful windows! A funny thing that happened while shooting this set was that someone caught me taking naked selfies through the window and just stared at me for a while, I apologised and slowly closed the window. It was pretty awkward, but ah well I made an awesome set haha!"
"I picked up the camera and just went for it. I went through an entire battery before I looked back through the images. It was really interesting seeing the evolution of the shoot. At first my body was stiff, muscles tense. Progressively I loosened up, shapes and angles changed, it was really quite a beautiful euphoric moment. If I hadn't ran the battery dry I would have kept going!"
Dec 03, 2018 Ana_B//"abafado"
"Sempre gostei de tirar nudes artisticos, na natureza em especial.., nunca tive vergonha ou medo de quem possa ver as fotos (exceto minha familia). No entanto participar desse projeto foi um pouco desafiador pra mim, pois sempre outras pessoas quem tiraravam as fotos e elas eram sempre tiradas de longe, e dessa vez eu mesma tive que tirar as fotos, de perto. Mas no final ao fazer as fotos eu me senti bonita, sexy e confiante. Tambem me senti livre e empoderada! / I always liked to take artistic nudes, especially in nature. I was never ashamed or afraid of anyone who could see the photos (except my family). However participating in this project was a little challenging for me, because other people always took the photos and they were always taken from a distance, and this time I had to take the pictures, close up. In the photos I felt beautiful, sexy and confident. I also felt free and empowered!"