New Releases
Feb 01, 2019 June_T//"hobbyist"
"My shoot is about hobbies, places and loving my body and myself. I shot myself in my room and my study which are two spaces I am in all the time. The props used are to represent hobbies or even just things that I find very important. As well as loving myself more and more."
Jan 31, 2019 Adriana_C//"NellaMiaPelle"
"Lo shoot e' stato veramente una rivelazione! Non mi sono mai sentita cosi' bella e ho iniziato ad apprezzare il mio corpo molto di piu'. All'inizio e' stato difficile, non sapevo in che posizione mettermi, mi sentivo ridicola ma poi ho iniziato a sciogliermi e veramente a vivere il momento come un'esperienza unica e profonda. Sono veramente contenta di aver deciso di fare questo shoot, amo il mio corpo ora :) / This photo shot was a revelation! I never felt so beautiful and I've started to appreciate my body in a new way. At the beginning it was difficult, I didn't know which position to take, I felt a bit ridiculous but then I started to let go and to truly live this experience as unique and deep. I'm so happy I've decided to do it, I love my body now :)"
Jan 30, 2019 Faith_B//"higherlevel_1"
"Entering the magical world of the tarot is always a liberating and cathartic experience. Every time I encounter the tarot deck, I learn something new. I gain powerful insight into the hidden secrets of the universe."
Jan 29, 2019 Edith_M//"bellenaturelle"
"Cette experience m'a donne l'opportunite de voir la sexualite differemment, je me sens maintenant en accord avec ma personne de savoir que tout cela est naturel et magnifique. Plus besoin de se sentir coupable ou gene de la sexualite ou de la nudite. Se sentir bien avec son corps ne signifie pas etre nymphomaniac. / This experience gave me the opportunity to see sexuality differently, I now feel complete by knowing that everything is just beautiful and natural. No need to feel guilty anymore or shy about sexuality and nudity. Feeling good with your body doesn't mean you are a nymphomaniac."
Jan 28, 2019 Chantelle_A//"Lonicera"
"I found doing this shoot a very positive experience, although I had some difficulties with angles and lighting. Overall though, I was pleased with how fun it was! I shot myself in places I'd never imagined I would, including the front yard - sorry neighbours! I had a few falls and awkward positions for sure, but it all added to the fun of it and I found it a very raw and authentic experience."
Jan 28, 2019 Chrissy_M//"romantique"
"This was a really fun project! Thanks ISM! I especially like that this project celebrates the diversity of all women! It allowed me to tap into my creative side and experience my sexuality. The fresh roses made this shoot a bit of celebration of spring time and the beauty of nature. I really love being consciously 'in my body' and experimenting with different body postures. I had a few funny moments where I had to hide behind my desk as people walked past the window! I'm pretty sure my housemate saw me a couple of times too...whoops! :)"
Jan 27, 2019 Brunehilde//"wrapitup"
"I felt like expressing the worldwide (plastic) pollution problem, which often only refers to animals eating plastic and dying or the environmental pollution from littering or industrial pollution. But really, it affects us and our bodies more than you would maybe think. We wrap our food in cling wrap, drink out of plastic bottles, eat out of plastic boxes, shop with plastic bags. Even if not plastic, we let our bodies drift away from nature by using all the new and promising beauty products like anti-aging serums, make up or hair fillers. We pump our faces up with botox or get boob jobs - surgery is trendy and Kim Kardashian shows you how to do it! People are wrapped in layers and layers that hide their real bodies, faces and minds. I tried to make them visible and unwrap myself. All this plastic, everywhere. Everything got so unnatural, everything in our environment got wrapped up in plastic. In the supermarket, in your house, around you, in you. What is fake and what is real nowadays is so hard to tell. Can you see anything real through all that plastic?"
Jan 27, 2019 Lucie_D//"mybirthdaysuit"
"A birthday shoot in my birthday suit! I am 35 years old and I still feel some paranoia about aging and losing my youth and my looks. Strangely the mastectomy doesn't worry me. I don't mind my cyborg boobs as they are. I am more self conscious about looking old and tired. But I know that the healthy thing to do is embrace myself as I am and come to terms with getting older. It is after all, preferable to the alternative!"
Jan 26, 2019 Michaela_J//"HoneySunrise"
"As soon as I got naked, a bunch of people on the beach stopped and looked which I thought was hilarious. My shoot involved an amazing sunrise and a whole lot of honey! My favourite part was after I'd poured honey on myself and it heated up in the sun - it felt amazing! Being on the beach so early in the morning was exhilarating and I saw this shoot as an adventure."
Jan 26, 2019 Stacie_D//"overandout"
"Before I shot myself I had a very big night out! It was a Thursday night at one of Melbourne's best clubbing precincts and I had stayed there much longer than I intended, waking up the next day slightly hungover...maybe you can notice? It was such a beautiful day though and the sunlight was streaming through my kitchen window to I thought it was a perfect place and perfect moment. I love the old vintage mirror that you can see in the photos, I found it at an op shop and think it gives character to any room. I felt confident and a little excited taking these photos as I had never done this kind of thing before for anyone other than a significant other. I released my inner sexuality and I hope it shows! :)"
Jan 25, 2019 Millie_H//"calamity"
"Starting my folio was harder than I thought it would be! I was overthinking everything and felt pretty nervous! My (male) housemate was very helpful and supportive though. During my shoot I knocked over a cup of coffee, dropped a mirror on my foot and got glitter everywhere! I am very clumsy but I had fun regardless! xoxo"
Jan 24, 2019 Kobi//"covetedcookie"
"I had so much fun with the shoot, creating my own set and using anything I could find to contribute to it. I would had gotten more messy if I was in my own house and not on holiday! It got a little difficult when I ran out of food to play with. It was a small space to work with but I feel as though I did well and also slept in chocolate macaroons that night."
Jan 23, 2019 Lucy_H//"bytheseashore_1"
"I thought the video was a very interesting addition to the I Shot Myself project, and I was excited to have the opportunity to play around with video work, as my creatively primarily comes out through photography. It was a challenge setting up the camera in effective spots, being on sandstone cliffs and by the water and all, but I think I really managed to capture the beauty of the location I was in."
Jan 23, 2019 Aria_B//"rainbowstylin"
"I decided to wear my favorite rainbow top as this best describes my personality and its many forms of emotions which relates to the colours on the top! I enjoyed shooting myself as I felt comfortable, fully in-depth naked and exhilarated! I would do this over and over again, I loved every minute of it! Taking the photos was tricky at times as it's extremely hot outside so I was a melting female mess. Trying to hold the camera was also tricky as it kept slipping out of my hand. But all the photos came out on top in the end."
Jan 22, 2019 Sadi_C//"pheromonal"
"Being in such provocative positions and using my whip actually really turned me on! My friend was in the room while I was taking the photos and we were both laughing at each other. It was a really fun experience!"