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"Ich habe die Bilder gemacht als ich bei Freunden zu Besuch war, also musste ich einen Zeitpunkt finden zu dem ich alleine im Haus war, da ich nicht wollte, dass sie von dem Shoot erfahren. Das hat die Erfahrung sehr aufregend gemacht. Ausserdem war es arschkalt im Haus als ich die Bilder gemacht habe, aber ich wusste ich musste es durchziehen, weil ich keine andere Moeglichkeit bekommen wuerde. / I was staying at a friend's place while I was shooting myself, so I had to find an opportunity when they weren't home to do the shoot, because I didn't want them to know I was doing it. It made it really fun and exciting. Also it was super cold in the house while I was shooting, but I knew I had to do it now, because I wouldn't get another opportunity."
"Sometimes society will try to let you down. Sometimes society will try to make you hate. This. ... But I know, even though, you've been conditioned to hate yourself, that someone is going to help you change your mind. You gotta be kind to yourself, and then kind to someone else, because, no one can do this alone."
"As I shot throughout different times of the day and different states of self confidence I realised how empowering the very act of taking a nude photo was. Every time I put the camera down I felt more confident and creative. I had a great time gallivanting around my house with nothing but a camera and my naked self, my cats watched whilst very confused from afar. I was experiencing a roller coaster of emotions during this shoot because of a combination of my period and a myriad of external factors, but I used the ishotmyself experience as a sort of mindfulness exercise. It was very therapeutic."
"Me senti muy emocionada de conectar con mi cuerpo en la naturaleza, me senti salvaje, parte de la naturaleza, me sentia enamorada de mi misma. En medio de la session una amiga vino a visitarme y yo continue fotografiandome, mientras ella me contaba de su vida yo estaba desnuda entremedio de los arbustos. Fue muy divertido. / I felt very excited to connect with my body in nature, I felt wild, part of nature, I felt in love with myself. In the middle of the session a friend came to visit me and I continued photographing myself, while she told me about her life I was naked in the middle of the bushes. It was fun."
"Fooling around in an empty house, mid-renovations in a high end suburb. After plastering and painting the fresh new walls myself, I took the liberty of using the raw background and still dirty floors to capture some more photos. It was cold and it was dirty. Plaster dust got all up in my bits and pieces but I love the contrast it created with my pale soft skin. It was also a nice break in between coats of paint drying. I hope the pretentious neighbours caught an envious glimpse of me sprawling about the floor in my curtainless set."
Jul 22, 2019 Vee//"cloud_street"
"My room is a pretty dope space so it makes sense I would shoot myself there. You might spot my comic book collection in the background or some of the old school games (although, why are you looking in the background?). I adore my sense of style and it was quite challenging to be naked yet still encompass my quirky style. Thank goodness for chokers, and my favourite house plant."
Jul 21, 2019 Amelie_G//"uitwaaien"
"Once again I had so much fun exploring my body in a whole different and new way, by shooting ISM. This time I felt more comfortable from the beginning onwards. I wasn't too shy in front of the camera and I felt I could just be my natural self. It's difficult learning to love the parts of your body that are not accepted by society in a natural way, since they are not shown in every magazine, ad, etc. ISM has again managed to help me get a step closer to my goal, and I can't be more thankful for guiding me on my journey. Taking photos of myself naked in public places was such an adventure and thrilling, I had adrenaline boosts every time I thought someone was coming - I loved that ;)"
Jul 21, 2019 Pippa_T//"athletica"
"I loved doing this shoot! Initially it was a challenge, shooting at my cousin's place where I've been staying. In secret, it felt a little naughty and I wasn't able to be as creative as I wanted to be so this inspired a change of location and I went to a friend's place where I could be so much more free and it was so much fun. I felt so open with the whole shoot, open with my body and was able to be way more creative in the space I had to play with. It was totally liberating and I feel so beautiful and in touch with my body after the shoot. It's also nice to know it was all me making the shots I wanted to show. My friend was also around doing her thing which was really nice. Sexuality and nudity don't have to be a secret. It was really amazing to share the experience with her! I think everyone should get the chance to do this for themselves!"
Jul 20, 2019 Casey_M//"usagi_mimi"
"This shoot was struggle street. Don't be mistaken, I had a world of fun, however doing different positions, finding correct lighting etc was hard! Perhaps I lack creative thinking; I almost pulled a leg muscle in some pictures too. I chose a maid theme initially, then I decided to drag my poor rabbit Totoro into my nude life. He was not very impressed but I feel like we bonded over it. Compared to my previous shoot, this was much easier as I didn't have to travel to an unknown forest and fear that big foot would attack me. I'm truly grateful that I had a second opportunity to shoot myself!"
Jul 20, 2019 Indigo_T//"mood_ring"
"I shot myself on various days and at different times of the day to get a good variety of lighting and also how my moods changed each day. My folio shows myself being cheeky and experimenting with different angles that people wouldn't usually see me from. I also project a large quality of my personality in this shoot as I am very outgoing, fun and flexible."
Jul 19, 2019 Ida_G//"overthemoon"
"Ich habe einen Freund gefragt, ob ich sein Zimmer fuer ein paar Stunden ausleihen duerfte, da ich momentan auf der Couch von Freunden schlafe und ein Wohnzimmer in einer WG schien mir nicht ganz der richtige Ort fuer Bilder wie diese zu sein... die Katze meines Freundes ist dann immer mal ins Zimmer gekommen und hat mir Gesellschaft geleistet, was mich zum laecheln gebracht hat. / I asked my friend to borrow his room because I am currently crashing on someone's couch and a living room in a shared house just doesn't quite seem to be the right place for ISM... every now and then his cat would pop in and join me for a bit which made me smile."
"This set was shot in a friend's old house, she had untreated floorboards and natural light pouring into the place so that pretty much set the scene for this shoot. I just wanted it to have a clean, crisp feel with a bit of a grimy edge to it."
If you liked Grace's recent reload, "Vitamin_R", strap yourself in for a cruisy little behind the scenes. Pic by pic, watch Grace line up her shot and capture every perfect frame. It's got the perfect balance of still photo and motion-video, and bonus - if you pay real close attention, you may get to see a few shots from the cutting room floor.
Jul 17, 2019 Akynos//"suspension"
"Taking photos of yourself when you have body issues is another layer and having to see myself this way made me think about how others are viewing me, and I found myself not loving how I looked. At other times I embraced parts of me, my smooth skin, smile and all the years and experience which shows up in my body. Someone is going to get off from this. I deserve that kind of admiration. Someone wants to feel all of this, and pay good money for it too. Trying to position myself in ways to get the shot without an apparatus, it made me exhausted. It took me days to get these shots done. I thought about sex. I had sex. I became inspired. I hated it. Then I had fun. ;)"
Jul 16, 2019 Bea_B//"peach_fuzz"
"I took most of the photos in my bedroom, I live in a big beautiful house, and in my bedroom is a gorgeous floor to ceiling arched window, perfect lighting for the shoot, although I think I may have flashed a few unsuspecting civilians out for their morning stroll. I definitely went on more of a journey with myself than I thought I would, and this shoot was far more challenging than I expected. I really pushed myself way out my comfort zone, and I would recommend this shoot to anyone and everyone. It showed me myself in a whole new light, and taught me new ways to love myself. I've had my issues with my body, but we're working on our friendship."