New Releases
Dec 08, 2019 Alexandra_O//"heat_glow"
"I ended up doing my shoot in the upstairs space of the community I live in. I was scrambling for secluded spaces before I thought - "Okay, fugggit. Don't mind me, just shooting myself up here!" My friends and acquaintances gave me words of encouragement as they walked past below, played music, and cooked dinner. Even as I'm butt naked for this portfolio there's still that funny bit inside of me nervous to bare it all. Right up until the end it was a growing process for sure. It was also incredibly hot up there so enjoy that authentic sweaty glow ;)"
Dec 07, 2019 Laurel_C//"neko_musume"
"I did some stuff out in public and I nearly got caught a couple of times with cars driving past. My friend helped me by keeping a lookout and we had a big umbrella to cover me. Being naked in my friend's backyard when I'm allergic to grass, magnetic for mosquitoes and the pollen index was really high wasn't great, haha. So I ended up being itchy EVERYWHERE for the rest of the night and I had a mosquito bite on both sets of cheeks. Worth it though, right?"
Dec 07, 2019 Pixie_P//"beauty_beast"
"I decided to play with the artistic portrayal of the Madonna/whore in renaissance art, vintage erotica, the concept of a clean/dirty woman. Woman as prey. Woman as beast. Wandering around my empty house in vintage lingerie like a long-dead ghost. Soaking up the patches of sunlight... I absolutely soaked my bathroom taking the shower shots, hahaha. I felt like an indulgent flapper girl."
Dec 06, 2019 Kathrin//"heibesVertrauen"
"Dieses Shoot hat mir sehr viel Spass gemacht. Mit Winkeln und Positionen zu experimentieren war interessant, und was dabei rausgekommen ist hat mein Selbstbewusstsein sehr erhoben. Ich bin ziemlich stolz auf das Ergebnis. / I've had a lot of fun doing this shoot. Experimenting with angles and positions was interesting and something I haven't done much while taking nudes before. The outcome made me feel very confident in my body, and I'm pretty proud of it."
Dec 05, 2019 Zai//"fairy_feet"
"I Shot Myself was very fun to do, I loved the challenge of taking so many different photos and making each one creative and being able to explore my body and sexuality while feeling beautiful and sexy and artsy with absolutely no shame or embarrassment. I took all my photos in my home, mostly in my bedroom, playing around with dress ups and make up, jewellery and lingerie. I'm lucky to have lots of beautiful natural light in my home and beautiful things."
Dec 04, 2019 Euphemia//"wake_to_wild_2"
"This is my birthday, a piece of time where all I feel is pleasure and joy. Where I am reminded of my body and being. Where I am so turned on, my yearnings echo in the bushlands. Where I remind myself that I am enough, and all I have ever needed is nature and my body to love."
Dec 04, 2019 Christina_M//"InnerSanctum"
"I shot this in my bedroom in the afternoon when the sun peeks through my window and makes everything look warm and lush. My bedroom is a reflection of myself, it mirrors my body in its adornment. I decorate it with trinkets and art to express my inner self, it's the place I'm most comfortable. I wanted this shoot to convey the warmth that emanates from my bedroom, more than just visually but also in terms of feelings. The feeling of glowing!"
Dec 03, 2019 Belen//"sonar"
"I felt absolutely incredible doing this shoot. It brought me back down to earth after a crazy week prior. I had lost my beloved 10 year old Labrador only days before, and I was not dealing with it well at all. I had planned to do the shoot however, so I had to take control of my responsibilities. Doing the shoot reminded me that everything is going to be okay. I picked up the flowers that my partner had given me while I was sad. I was able to laugh, and remember that I love me."
Dec 02, 2019 Mika_R//"take_a_peek"
"For this shoot I was given a challenge - "How to be clothed yet naked". I wanted to showcase this through my most beloved collection of vintage lingerie. I had so much fun portraying different cheeky elements of my personalities through the different little lingerie sets and exploring characters I dedicated to each set. For me this shoot was so much fun and radiates warmth and comfort. I was listening to Graham Coxon's album "The Spinning Top" during this to really calm myself down and find my zen."
Dec 02, 2019 Kena//"gutes_publikum"
"Ich mietete zusammen mit einer freundin ein appartment fuer das projekt. Dieses appartment befand sich genau gegenueber eines Grossraum Bueros einer firma. Somit hatten wir einige sehr erfeute zuschauer fuer unser vorstellung. Ich verbeugte mich sogar zum Schluss fuer unser publikum. / Together with a friend I rented an apartment for the project. This apartment was located exactly opposite a large office of a company. So we had some very excited spectators for our performance. I even bowed at the end for our audience."
Dec 01, 2019 Avery_G//"feathers_edge"
"I haven't done a shoot in a while, so with this shoot I wanted to go back to the basics, explore and capture every part of my body and appreciate the changes it has naturally gone through over the last months. I tried to experiment with a few things I could find around the house, lights, feathers and shoot at different times of the day. I really enjoyed this shoot, even though it's simple, it is always interesting to see what shapes you can create with your own body."
Dec 01, 2019 Avalon//"cliffscape"
"It was a beautiful sunny Monday, a fresh start to the week. I discovered some dark sheer cliffs overlooking the ocean, surrounded by bright luscious foliage to create a secluded and relatively private location. Occasionally people would pass by my little hidey-hole, and at one point while I was naked and crouched down behind a shrub, I started growling to scare an intruder away. I could hear the footsteps pause, listening. I growled again, and could hear the stranger quickly retreating back towards the main path - allowing me to resume naked shooting in peace as the sun slowly descended towards the ocean."
Nov 30, 2019 Harmony_G//"posessed"
"With this ISM I felt more intuitive with my approach. I did have a plan, but in life plans don't always work out. I took my camera with me everywhere and chose spots, got ideas and pursued them. The scariest choice was the cemetery. I knew it would be isolated and not many people would enter, but the reaction would've been horrifying had someone come upon me. Rather than "Oh it's a naked lady near a river" it would be "She is dancing naked on my great Grandfather's grave, SATAN has POSSESSED her!". In the latter, I doubt any consoling or apologising would stop me from being at the very least humiliated, if not reported to the police."
Nov 30, 2019 Aimee_D//"spojrz_w_gore"
"I shot this folio on the balcony of an Airbnb I was staying at in Bucharest, Romania. I was having coffee and was in clear view of a lot of people on the streets, haha! It was a chilly day, so my nipples got hard during it, but it was still very nice. It was the first sunny day in a week, so I was very excited to shoot this!"
Nov 29, 2019 Genevieve//"Ready4MyCloseup"
"This shoot was such a great exploration of my own body. I've never really looked that closely at my own vagina! I found that close-ups of particular areas were, for me, the most beautiful. Using gorgeous, filtered behind the clouds, morning light, lazing around my bedroom. I found that using mirrors wasn't for me, I found it a bit forced and just not my aesthetic but I really enjoyed trying a bunch of different angles to get some interesting shots."