New Releases
May 05, 2021
"I wanted to do this shoot because I wanted to show that it's not only young women who can experiment with public nudity and sexuality. I'm 41 and I am totally into nudity and especially public sex and I'm still discovering things just as much as when I was in my teens and 20's. If you keep your eyes open and follow your curiosity there's no limit for women to be daring, bold, brave, sexy. I love being naked outside, and pretty much everywhere else too."
May 04, 2021
"This is my trusty bike that gets me all around town. She's such a star, I thought it only fair she share this shoot with me. I feel sexy riding my bike and wanted to show that. I hope I succeeded. The fruit comes from my garden and I can't say it's the best quality but it looks pretty! I finished off with a cleansing bath but the light in there isn't great so I'm not sure how well they turned out."
May 03, 2021
"I grabbed the camera right before the weekend and at that point I knew it was gonna have to be shot in between the shenanigans of my weekend life. I arrived at my friend's farm property for a small joint gathering/birthday rave. I passed out rather early on the Saturday night so I was lucky to catch the morning sun and here we have the dawn of the day, some lush fields and views, a very friendly horse called Magic, and a bit of an adventure. I did have a few moments where the odd punter/friend would stumble upon me and my provocative nature haha, always met with a sexy awkward glare then a giggle... it was for sure an entertaining time, except when my butt got bitten by the hugest ant!"
May 02, 2021
"It was my second shoot for this project. It was easier than the first one of course and I loved so much to make this shoot again! The places are different and I tried to make some different positions in these new places. I was in my friend's house and I used a great mirror to do beautiful poses with my new heels! It was really funny and I have more trust in myself. OBVIOUSLY, if I can start again this project I'll be there! So thank you for this experience guys, it was awesome."
May 01, 2021
"Le plus drole a etait quand j'etais dans ma voiture pour prendre des photos allongee a l'arriere le coffre ouvert. Parfois des voitures passee je me couvrais le plus rapidement possible mais j'etais tellement dans le jeu que je, nai pas entendu un petit camoin, moi j'etais mort de rire toute seule dans ma voiture. / The most funny thing is when I took pictures in the back on my car. A few cars passed but I put my blanket on me. But I'm pretty sure one man saw me nude in my car, and I giggled a lot."
Apr 30, 2021
"My husband's motorbike is the thing in the world that makes me feel most horny so I felt like for my nude photoshoot this time, I wanted to pose with it and let out my more wild side. I got really into it, getting into the grease and playing with tools. I had to stop the shoot halfway through because he saw me climbing on it and wanted me, we had sex right there, me leaning over the bike - and then I kept shooting! When I went inside I found my old scarf from my first shoot. Hope you enjoy, I really did."
Apr 29, 2021
"Au debut, je voulais cacher certaines parties de mon corps dont j'avais honte. J'ai fini par sortir dehors, sur mon balcon (j'espere que les voisins ne m'ont pas vu) et j'ai pris un bain de soleil nu. Cette experience m'a aide a assumer mon corps et a accepter ma nudite. Je me suis amuse, j'ai ri. Nous devons etre fiers de notre corps et cesser de nous juger. L'ISM est une veritable therapie mais aussi un mouvement militant pour la liberte d'expression des femmes. / At first, I wanted to hide certain parts of my body that I was ashamed of. I ended up going outside, on my balcony (I hope the neighbors did not see me) and I took a sun bath naked. This experience helped me to assume my body and to accept my nudity. I had fun, I laughed. We must be proud of our bodies and stop judging ourselves. ISM is a real therapy but also an activist movement for women's freedom of expression."
Apr 28, 2021
"I shot this mainly in the garden at my family home in the country and my bedroom. I really like shooting outdoors because the natural setting feels more in line with being nude in a non-sexual way, whereas shooting in my bedroom I felt that there was a level of inherent sexuality to certain poses which would have felt different if done in the garden. But I was glad to take these photos of myself and desexualise myself while still being proud of my body and what it represents to myself and others."
Apr 27, 2021
"I really liked the shooting. I felt very comfortable. It was not very easy, because I live in a very small apartment, but after a while I had inspiration and got excited. I hope you will like my body and face, because when I think of you seeing the pictures I feel very beautiful. After shooting, I was in a great mood. I am happy to be part of the ISM project. I think it helps girls to feel good and open minded. Many girls never do selfies, but because of this I found it interesting."
Apr 26, 2021
"Ho passato molto tempo a studiare durante gli ultimi giorni, la mia camera a un disastro e la mia scrivania a piena di cose come pennarelli, quaderni, libri, evidenziatori, ect. Mentre stavo scattando ho notato tutte queste cose e ho deciso di usarle nelle mie foto: stato divertente e allo stesso tempo soddisfacente vedere come gli oggetti prendevano vita solamente cambiandone la posizione. / I've been studying a lot during this period, my room is a mess and my desk was full of books, markers, pencils ect. While I was shooting I've noticed all these things and I've decided to use them, in order to explore this experience with different props. It was so funny and satisfying to see how my "school-tools" could live a second life, just changing their position."
Apr 25, 2021
"As for all of the poses and facial expressions, my intention for them was to bring forth my seductive side and to show that I can be and am a very dominant female who loves to express herself any way she can. By the end of it I was so relaxed and just wanted to do more because of how gorgeous I felt/feel in front of a camera and even mirrors."
Apr 24, 2021
"Dieses Shoot hat sehr viel Spass gemacht :D. Ich hab mich dafur entschieden, ein paar alte Klamotten zu zerschneiden und zu zerreissen, weil es sehr befreiend ist, wie Ausziehen auch. Mit meinem Bett als gemutliche Umgebung und dem Licht, was sehr hubsch durch's Fenster schien, hatte ich ein tolles Ambiente um mit Posen, Licht, und Schatten rumzuspielen. Ich bin sehr glucklich mit dem Ergebnis! / This shoot was a lot of fun :D. I decided to cut and tear apart some old clothes because it feels very liberating, just as getting naked in general does. The comfortable surrounding of my bed and the light coming in beautifully through the windows provided a good environment to play with posing as well as light and shadow. I'm very happy with the outcome!"
Apr 23, 2021
"I shot this in my old home shortly upon returning from 18 months living in Berlin. I felt invigorated and playful, for I was - and am - the embodiment of all that I have experienced. Feeling simultaneously vulnerable and empowered, these photos feel like the solidification of plunging into a new chapter of my life. It's taken me a while to feel completely comfortable revealing them to the public actually - though I'm so happy to finally do so, to seize this opportunity to celebrate the diverse beauty of women as a collective. To celebrate life!"
Apr 22, 2021
"It's getting to be the last of summer now so I wanted to do an ode to it, those last spears of light, fading to dark. I was in a mood that day too, feeling somewhere between eager and unsatisfied, and I think that comes through in the photos. Lingerie, feelings of finality, the long moments of sunset that blend into the autumn. I feel gorgeous."
Apr 21, 2021
"I'd gotten sooo bored of having plain hair that hasn't been touched in years, so why not go all in and change it up. I'm a trained hairdresser that has had literally every single hair colour under the sun, but I think orange has always been my favourite. Bleaching your own hair is always a wild ride, even as a pro that has done it a million times before! While I did have to concentrate very hard to get it all even, not much will stop me from crapping on about myself and telling some brilliant dad jokes (if I do say so myself)."