New Releases
Jul 17, 2021 Jessica_Liu & Lucinda_T//"MyGirlfriend_1"
"I was very excited to do ISM with my girlfriend Lucinda_T. We were able to explore different ways of taking photos with each other and of each other. It was pretty hot the day we decided to do the shoot. I'm really happy with how the photos turned out and I hope you can see how much we enjoyed taking them! I am keen to hear about what you think about this shoot and how else you'd like to see us on the website ;)" - Jessica_Liu
Jul 17, 2021 Holly_A//"RightTime"
"I have always had a tricky relationship with my body. Since entering adulthood however, it feels as though I have entered into a new chapter; I'm learning to accept the things about myself. This is the body that was made for me. It nourishes me, it allows me to do the things I love doing. This shoot came along at just the right time. I've gained a new, more exterior perspective. I know that I'm strong, beautiful, and creative."
Jul 16, 2021 Ann_V//"take_zhyttya"
"It was very cute and fun doing this shoot! In general I seldom take selfies, as I usually don't have enough time because I'm always running around doing things, such is life. But today I took some pleasure from shooting myself. I loved getting into different positions, feeling creative, and enjoying my beautiful body. It was so delicious seeing my body in different ways."
Jul 15, 2021 Samara_L//"PomegranateRed"
"It's pomegranate season! My favourite of the exotic fruits. I find something erotic about this fruit. The juice, the colour, its voluptuous shape. The patience you need to remove the seeds. It's so sensual. I didn't suck in my tum once during this shoot, only sucked on fruit or my fingers. The older I get the more comfortable I become with my body. I love the way it creases, I embrace the way it expands. This shoot was delicious."
Jul 14, 2021 Jadee_Lee//"reothadh"
"I shot this in my flat. It's freezing in Scotland so outside is not possible at the moment. It was interesting to do this shoot, as even though I'm a model, I've never experimented doing a full shoot using selfies. It's interesting how many different angles are discovered doing a shoot like this when I have to think of different ideas and ways to shoot. I felt free being naked all over the apartment."
Jul 13, 2021 Ania_W//"jestem_piekna"
"Bylam zdziwiona podczas tej sesji zdjeciowej. Zastanawialam sie "czy naprawde jestem piekna? Czy ludzie chca mnie ogladac?". Lubie wyrazac sie poprzez zdjecia, pomaga mi to podwyzszyc swoja samoocene. Te zdjecia byly stworzone w moim domu; miejscu gdzie czuje sie najbezpieczniej. Mysle ze to polubicie, poniewaz zapraszam was do swojego intymnego miejsca. / I was really surprised during this photoshoot. I was thinking "Am I really beautiful? Do people want to see me?". I love expressing myself via pictures, it helps me increase my self-esteem. These pictures were created in my house; a place where I feel safety the most. And I think you are going to like it, because I invite you to my private place."
Jul 12, 2021 Tina_C//"passenger_seat"
"I went on a bit of an adventure to get these pictures. I knew I couldn't take ALL of them in my tiny, messy room. There was a national park about an hour drive away, and there were more people there than I would have preferred, but I didn't give up hope. In one area where I managed to strip down completely I almost got spotted by some cyclists! On the way home I let my partner drive while I took pictures in the passenger's seat. There were definitely people in oncoming cars who got a show!"
Jul 11, 2021 Lillith//"MyPlayfulSide"
"I always enjoy shooting for I shot myself. It brings out my playful side. I really enjoy trying to get different angles and images and the more I get into it, the more playful I become. I love using props and I had this beautiful gold phone so I wanted to have some fun with some sexy phone calls... I also really love the texture and feel of different things pressing on my body, and sometimes restricting movement or pretending to, is a real turn on for me."
Jul 11, 2021 Lila_C//"VolerLaVedette"
"L'automne en France n'etant pas tres genereux en lumiere, le shooting s'est rapidement transforme en veritable course contre la montre. Je sentais l'excitation monter au fur et a mesure que le ciel s'assombrissait. Il fallait activer la cadence avant que la nuit ne tombe et qu'il ne commence a faire trop froid. J'ai augmente le chauffage de ma petite chambre pour que l'on ne puisse pas apercevoir ma chair de poule au moment de retirer ma chemise de nuit. / Autumn in France is not as generous in sunlight as I wish it would be, which rapidly turned this photoshoot into a race against time! It actually brought a dash of excitement as I would glance at the sky getting darker and darker through my bedroom window. As the sun was leaving the stage, it got colder so I turned the heater on for I didn't want my goose bumps to steal the show as I was taking off my night gown. I was in a mischievous mood."
Jul 10, 2021 Penelope_V//"one_with_self"
"I shot this in my room. Usually this is the only place I'm ever really sexual. I tend to hide my sexual nature whenever I'm outside of my room. I am also trans. Taking these pictures and feeling as girly as possible made me feel truly euphoric and finally one with myself. I had several moments when I looked at myself in these pictures and saw how beautiful I looked. It made me feel incredible."
Jul 09, 2021 Milly_G//"NoonDelight"
"I slept in til noon and ran a warm shower, crawled back into bed with a punnet of raspberries and enjoyed the sunshine from my window! Since my household was busy and I was feeling cosy, I shot this folio in my new bedroom upstairs, it's nice and warm in here. The raspberries stained my white sheets and left little red stains all over my body during the shoot. I spend a lot of my free time rolling around in bed and stretching my body out :)."
Jul 08, 2021 Maria_C//"ReinaDeCorazon"
"Hola!! I'm a crazy Chilean and I felt so amazing doing this photoshoot! Trying to make a mix between my sexy Latin spice and my funny personality. As I was changing poses, I really enjoyed feeling sensual and then just laugh with my body. I also wanted to give space to my bisexuality, using the LGBT flag, and also my shell ring and the cactus in representation of the vagina and the penis, which I both love."
Jul 07, 2021 Kat_G//"behind_a_lens"
"I got to shoot this in my bedroom and it was so nice posing in a space that I was already comfortable in. I was so excited to get the chance to do a second folio as it is such a special experience seeing my body behind a lens. My opinion of my body has changed and I found I enjoyed this one even more, seeing the beauty of my body when it had folds in poses that I wouldn't have prior seen as attractive."
Jul 06, 2021 Alecia_G//"gryaznoye_trio"
"I borrowed a camera from my friend and started taking pics in the morning. Of course, not without my favourite move-around playlist. My room is a bit messy with all the ongoing art projects I have. And check out my lavish toy collection! I wanted to show you my favorite pieces and I hope you like them as much as I do. I, my toys, and the camera are the perfect dirty trio!"
Jul 05, 2021 Molly_B//"playfully"
"I was so excited to do another ISM! I have recently moved house so shot in a completely different location. I didn't have an overall theme in mind but wanted it to be playful, flirty and colourful - like my personality. During the shoot, I got lost in the experience and ended up playing around with different angles and positions. ISM makes me feel so sexy and comfortable in my own body! I hope the photos make you smile, I had the best time shooting!"