PRIMARY - 02 NOV 2021
"La luz lo es TODO, asi que decidi subir al tejado de mi casa. Mientras hacia las fotos realmente perdi la nocion del tiempo y del espacio (¡que abstraccion!) hay vecinos merodeando, ninos jugando a la pelota delante de mi casa pero yo estaba realmente tan inmersa, solo jugando. Solo queria dejarme llevar. La desnudez es arte, es creatividad, es contacto con el mundo a traves de la piel, es politica. / Light is EVERYTHING, so I decided to go up to the roof of my house. While I was taking the pictures I actually lost track of time and space (such an abstraction!) there are neighbors hanging around, kids playing ball in front of my house but I was really so immersed, just playing. I just wanted to let myself go. Nudity is art, is creativity, is contact with the world through the skin, it is politics."
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