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Im more puzzled by Blisseds and Belgareths comments.
I was just chatting slightly off topic really. I feel much the same way as Belgareth in that I appreciate the 'sensual wonder and beauty' of the pictures, but I also get sexually aroused and having the 2 feelings together is really nice.
If my model developes the attitude that we are there to WORK, we both can produce some outstanding results.
SCSIgirl, have you got any pics on the net? It's really easy to get a website up.
It'd be nice to see how ISM has inspired you.
Liandra Dahl,
I wouldn't like a request for a rectum shot either. It certainly isn't as complimentary as simply expressing appreciation of the photos that you DID submit. It's kinda like looking a gift horse in the mouth... like you give somebody an apple and they say, "thanks, but an orange would really taste good right now"... That clearly seems unappreciative, in a way, or like a back-handed compliment.
But what about asking for another apple, "Gee that apple was great! Can I have another one?" (i.e. asking for more pictures/vids like the ones you DID submit)? As a submitter, does that feel complimentary, or does it feel kinda like the requestor is saying that what you gave wasn't quite enough?
Asking for more work from a model/ artist because you like what you saw is, of course complimetary, and is probably the best way to express that you "can't get enough" of that particular person, which would tacitly imply that you lust after them in a way no one could object to.
I'm sorry but I still have a problem with this "orifice" obsession. I don't look at any of shots from the contributors and think "Let me get in there!". I take them for what they are and as an indication of the open (no pun intended) attitude of the girl in question.
That's my opinion but it looks like I'm in the minority, judging by the other responses. It's just lucky that I don't believe in majority rule.
I'd just like to say that I fully agree with Belgareth here. I've found this thread very interesting, and the various views expressed fascinating, but I go along with Bel - the pictures don't make me think about having sex with the contributors.
Ideally, I suppose, the contributors would be able to edit the comments themselves, but that would be difficult to achieve. (And some contributors might be offended by comments before they deleted them.) On balance, I think the current set-up is a pretty good compromise.