PRIMARY - 06 FEB 2018
"As a painter and photographer I knew I wanted to incorporate visual art on my body. But how? With the help and inspiration of a few amazing friends we experimented with symbols and shapes and colors to create this! Something so much better than I would've imagined. I am so glad there is something like ISM out there! This experience was so empowering and freeing. At first I was a little nervous because I would be seeing my body for what it is, unflattering angles, and contortions and all. Also other people will see it too. With so much propaganda and media it is easy to let that negativity, and unrealistic standards fuck with my head. BUT the more I shot myself the more I started feeling comfortable seeing my body in all its forms. The human body is ART. Every curve, stretch mark, scar, every shape I saw is what makes me, me. I love my body. This whole experience changed me in so many positive ways and I'm so grateful for that."
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