20:18 - APR 25 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            
RELOAD - 12 MAY 2021
"I'm a very enthusiastic and vocal fan of Doctor Who so I decided to pay homage to this great show by including my handmade knitted TARDIS jumper, TARDIS clock, a mini TARDIS, a First Doctor replica ring, and the Fourth Doctor's scarf that my Mum made for my partner. I had the mirror leaning against my neighbour's fence and I almost had a heart attack several times when the wind picked up and wobbled it, threatening to fall on me. There was also what I would personally consider to be an unnecessary amount of bees on the passionfruit vine that hangs over the fence. At one point when I was bending over to adjust the rug, a bee landed on my butt, thankfully though it decided that I wasn't worth pollinating or stinging and promptly flew away."

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