20:20 - MAR 06 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 19 SEP 2018
"This shoot felt like a luxurious experience. I had been staying at a backpackers for over a week and was very sick of not having my own space, so participating in ishotmyself seemed like the perfect excuse to get a motel by myself and enter full artist mode. I have been taking photos of myself for almost a decade now, so knew that I would produce some awesome photographs. I purchased some bananas and funky skull bracelets for some physical inspiration and began the shoot the next morning. I applied some glittery makeup I like to think made me look like some kinda sex warrior and began to worship myself with the camera. There was only one window in the motel so I definitely exposed myself to some fortunate passers by but I like to think that improved their day."

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