RELOAD - 29 JAN 2018
"Living in the one house for 15 years without a bath tub is painful. There are so many health benefits to soaking in some particular solutions and it's such a relaxing thing to do. I recently constructed this outdoor bathroom out of stuff found on the council clean up and even though my friends get embarrassed by me, I have found some really useful things. Last weekend I took my first soak and decided to photograph it for you all, as it was making me feel really sensual. It was an overcast day which is great lighting. I was feeling really creative, as well as sexy. I think the soak helped that out of me. The old mirror has seen better days, with its life outside in my backyard. I hope you can see the pleasure I took in this bathing. It actually was so nice it made me feel amorous. The rest I will leave to your imagination, if the builders had been working on the job site next door they would have got an eyeful! Thanks for letting me share these with you. xx"
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