20:29 - MAR 06 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 21 DEC 2017
"When I was preparing for the shoot I had all these ideas of how to take pictures of my body. I wanted to do it in a place that I love and had good memories at. The beach. The closest I could be to nude with it being socially acceptable and without judgement. So I decided to go to a nudist beach (entirely because I wasn't sure if I'd be charged for being naked at a public non-nudist beach). My theme was supposed to be of me getting more comfortable with being nude at the beach, and slowly making my way into the water and onto the sand and caring less about my makeup and facial features and to just see me in the raw. Unfortunately my experience at the beach was cut short because I actually caught someone spying on me! Other people came to that beach and were looking at me, but I didn't really mind. As soon and I yelled out to the creep he went back up to the car park sheepishly. I am not just something to look at, I am a person and have many more characteristics than just my physical ones. I guess he is just proof of how fucked up and desperate society is to see things that aren't usually exposed and somehow making them sexual due to that. And this leads to all sorts of faults in life in general if society thinks this way. Having this experience has made me understand this."

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