RELOAD - 24 MAR 2019
"Hice esta sesion de fotos afuera, porque realmente disfruto mucho pasar mi tiempo al aire libre, estando en contacto con la naturaleza. No tuve el lugar perfecto que hubiera deseado para esta sesion, pero con un poco de creatividad intente mostrar mi conexion, como mujer, con nuestra madre tierra, estando desnuda, libre, en contacto con algunos pedacitos de plantas, permitiendome reir y sentir alegria de estar acostada en el suelo, abrazandome a mi misma y a este mundo en el que vivimos. Me diverti mucho haciendo esta sesion,principalmenteriendome de mi misma, ya que debido al clima en, tuve que interrumpir la sesion varias veces, y salir corriendo adentro de la casa, ya que de golpe comenzo a llover a cantaros! jaja, y luego porque unos amigos llegaron de sorpresa, pero finalmente pude terminarla un poquito mas tarde y estoy contenta con el resultado natural y espontaneo de esta sesion de fotos :) / I did this shoot outside because I enjoy spending time outdoors, and being in contact with nature. I didn't have the perfect spot for it that I would have liked but I got creative and tried to show my connection as a woman with our mother nature, being nude, free, and in contact with some little pieces of plants, being able to laugh and feel joy laying in the ground, embracing myself and this world we live in. I had a lot of fun doing this shoot, mainly laughing at myself because due to the weather, I had to interrupt it several times, as it suddenly started pouring rain and I had to run inside. Then when I got back at it I had to run again because some friends came to the house lol, but finally I was able to finish it a bit later and I'm happy with the natural, spontaneous feel of this shot :)."
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