20:54 - MAR 06 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 20 OCT 2018
"It was really cold the day I decided to do my shoot, and inside I had limited space so I found all the best shots to be on the outdoor balcony, and between the wind blowing my hair in my face and every goose-bump on view at times, I had to mix it up a bit and do a lot indoors, also not to mention the heater was on full blast keeping the place warm. At times I literally had to run inside to warm up. As for those shots taken with my toes...I give big applause to those who find it easy, because as soon as I would line up the shot the clumsy toe wouldn't do what I wanted it to or when I wanted it to and wouldn't take the pics easily. I also believe the lady across the road got an eye full as she was jumping out of her cab, luckily it's not some one I speak to though. I hope she had a good look!"

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