PRIMARY - 08 MAY 2020
"Me fui a explorar para tomar fotos afuera y encontra' un a'rea verde entre la autopista y unas casas. Al inicio estaba un poco nerviosa porque poda escuchar a alguien trabajando en su jardan al otro lado de la cerca. Pero despuas de 10min pensa, aay vale verga! A alguien le alegrara el da si acasoa 5min despuas de ponerme la ropa un hombre pasa caminando con su perro. Senta full adrenalina, fue divertido! Tambian era daa de darle de comer a mi culebra entonces la saqua' y jugamos un ratito. Compartimos el cuarto entonces verme desnuda no fue nada nuevo para al. / I went exploring to shoot outdoors and found a green area between the highway and some houses. I felt a little bit nervous at start because I could hear someone working in their garden on the other side of the fence but after 10 min or so I thought, aaah fuck it! I'll make someone's day better if anything! 5 min after I put my clothes on, a man and his dog walked by. I felt such an adrenaline rush, it was fun! It was also feeding day for my lovely diamond python so I took him out for a little play. We share a room so he wasn't very surprised to see me naked, just a regular day for us."
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