PRIMARY - 09 DEC 2024
"Las realic? en el mes de agosto 2024 en mi casa donde vivo sola desde hace unos a?os. Es una casa enorme y luminosa. En el sur de Espa?a hace much?simo calor y humedad este mes as? que empec? a sudar y sudar, en cuanto m?s sudaba menos verg?enza me daba hacer las fotos. Me hac?a gracia el calor y la humedad que hac?a porque parec?a que estaba mojada con agua, al final decid? dejar de secarme y dejar que el sudor fluyera. Ha sido terap?utico y bonito reencontrarme con mi cuerpo sin tabus. / I took these in August 2024 at my house where I have lived alone for a few years. It is a huge and bright house. In the south of Spain it is very hot and humid this month so I started to sweat and sweat, the more I sweated the less embarrassed I was to take the photos. I found the heat and humidity funny because it seemed like I was wet with water, in the end I decided to stop drying myself and let the sweat flow. It has been therapeutic and nice to reconnect with my body without taboos."