PRIMARY - 02 OCT 2021
"Al principio me costo hacerlo porque tenia algunas trabas con respecto a la camara y me parecian muchas fotos, al final lo pude concretar en dos dias y me di cuenta que solo tenia que dejar volar la imaginacion para inspirarme, sentir placer al realizarlo y ser creativa en todos los niveles. Me senti satisfecha y con un aumento en mi autoeztima y poder personal. / At first it was a bit difficult to do the shoot because I had some obstacles in respect to the camera and I found after many photos that in the end I was able to do it in two days and I realized that I only had to let my imagination fly to inspire myself, feel pleasure while doing it and be creative at all levels. I felt satisfied and with an increase in my self-esteem and personal power."
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