20:20 - DEC 27 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 27 DEC 2024
"Eu fiz o f?lio no meu quarto (onde passo a maior parte do tempo), nada de inesperado aconteceu, mas eu estava com medo de que algum vizinho me pegasse no ato porque eu estava fazendo isso na janela (mas como eles n?o pagam minhas contas se vissem n?o haveria diferen?a na minha vida). Espero que minhas fotos iluminem o seu dia (se voc? entende o que quero dizer). / I did the folio in my room (where I spend most of my time), nothing unexpected happened, but I was afraid that a neighbor would catch me in the act because I was doing it at the window (but as they don't pay my bills if they saw it, there would be no difference in my life). I hope my photos brighten your day (if you know what I mean)."

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