20:09 - MAR 08 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            
RELOAD - 01 FEB 2025
"This ISM project was very different to my first shoot. My body has changed a lot and my mindset about my body has changed. I had a liberating time letting my body be on show and be in its natural state. My favourtie bit of the shoot was actually feeling the breeze of wind through the body on my naked body, really grounding experience. I had a lot of fun in the kitchen and thought it was pretty cheeky of me to play with some utensils. The shoot was mainly done in my room during the week and in the kitchen where the light was beaming in and I could frollick around in my birthday suit. I feel like a weight is lifted of my shoulders and more comfortable in my skin after completing the shoot."

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