20:46 - MAR 06 - 2025 You are not logged in   » log in here            
RELOAD - 11 MAR 2019
"Coming back and doing an ISM shoot is liberating and fun! I love making shapes with my body, the freeing movements, twisting, bending and opening myself up. Being outdoors, naked and moving feels most natural to me and I wanted to play with that concept in my shoot. Creativity with mirrors and angles made this even more interesting for me moving into my shapes, seeing where I could hold my body and how it looked in different positions. It's always interesting to see my face when I'm not expecting the camera to catch it! It's amazing how sexy it made me feel by the end of the shoot - that feminine divine energy was flowing. I had all the best intentions to make it solely yoga poses but it's not as easy as it seems to hold a pose and take a photo at the same time, there were a few tumbles! Haha. The light kept changing through the shoot, it started to rain at one point and I had to hide from the neighbours in the 2 storey house next door - although I'm sure they already saw more than they bargained for on a quiet Wednesday afternoon!!"

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