PRIMARY - 07 OCT 2024
"Las fotograf?as las tome en mi casa, en invierno. Mi calefaccion estaba prendida y por momentos hacia pausas frente al calor. Las tome en dos ma?anas, afuera los pajaros estaban cantando y el dia estaba tranquilo. Mientras tomaba las fotos mi cuerpo, mi cara, mis expresiones se relajaron. Desperto en mi erotismo, creacion y dinamismo. Nunca me habia tomado fotos desnuda, fue una experiencia gratificante ver mi cuerpo,sentirme,observar sus detalles, mis lunares,pecas y su forma.Luego de tomarlas me prepare un te para calentar mi cuerpo y empece con la seleccion. / I took these photographs at my house, in winter. My heater was on and at times I would pause in front of the heat. I took them on two mornings, outside the birds were singing and the day was calm. While taking the photos my body, my face, my expressions relaxed. I awaken in my eroticism, creation and dynamism. I had never taken naked photos of myself, it was a gratifying experience to see my body, feel myself, observe its details, my moles, freckles and its shape. After taking them I prepared a tea to warm my body and started with the selection."
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