20:29 - APR 23 - 2024 You are not logged in   » log in here            
PRIMARY - 08 MAY 2021
"Realmente como fue por la manana no paso nada fuera de lo normal, no os quiero enganar, me puse musica que me inspirara y empece a experimentar con la forma de mi cuerpo. Despues de hacerlo me senti­ realmente bien, me senti­ guapa, con el poder de decision sobre lo que hago y lo que no. / Actually as it was in the morning, nothing out of the ordinary happened, I don't want to fool you, I put on some music that inspired me and started to experiment with the shape of my body. After I did it I felt really good, I felt beautiful, with the power to decide what I do and what I don't do."

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